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Kreese walked around the room in circles while Terry was talking. Sense it was my first day everyone was dressed and I dressed up Ariana Grande style because well-just because.

"In order to be strong, you must have to lack empathy. Because if you're sweet, if you're soft. You will not win. You will die. Remember we prepare you for the world. Not school. Natalie." Terry said turning to me. "If you were walking down the street and saw a homeless man in needing of money and you're all alone. Do you feel empathy and give him some money or food?" "Uh yeah?" "WRONG!" he snapped making jump while the rest of the class laughed.

"You have let your guard down and for all we know he couldn't kidnapped you and you would. Have. Died." okay yeah but all the homeless guys I've came across have been sweet so I can't see that possibility. "NOW. Empathy can come in different forms. We can lack a heart for the assholes but not for animals." the class looked around the classroom with confused. 

Terry comes behind the door and brings a puppy that's whimpering cutely. "Aww." the class said. He smiles but Kreese scoffs at us. 

"Yeah you think he's cute?" he asked. We all nod our head giggling. "Well-" but Terry looks at us and drops the puppy on the floor hearing it's cries of hurt. We all gasp and I immediately feel like crying because I have a huge soft spot for dogs. We all looked at each other not knowing what to do. "Well, are ya gonna help it?" we all knew it was a test but the sounds of muffled squeals and sobs coming from a small little puppy filled guilt in my heart. And surprisingly so did the guys. 

We couldn't take it seeing the poor thing hurt so we all walk over and try to help it. "Hey sweetie it's gonna be okay." I cooed reaching my hand out for it. But what happens next is not what I expected. It stops crying and leaps at us almost biting my hand. 

"AAH!" we all screamed scared scooting back. I fell on my ass looking at the little puppy growling at me. Kreese and Terry started laughing. "W-what was that?!" I asked irritated. "You guys let your guard down. You assumed it was hurt, needing of help, but once you show it soft eyes, it  turns around and attacks you." we all groan. 

"People around you will pretend, they will lower you into their trap with pretending their suffering. The truth is you never know. There will be temptations around you. Like me. You will feel pressured, but just like this little puppy, it turned out to be viscous. Which is unlike most puppies. You were caught off guard. That's everyday life in the world. You need to be smart, every decision you make unfolds what you're gonna be in the future. Don't let your guard down." Terry walks over and helps me up from the floor. "So the dog was never hurt?" "It was trained. Like most people. They do the same scheme for years, to different people and they die. Don't. Be one of them." he said directly to me. What he said made sense I guess. I nod and walk back in line. 


It's early in the morning and I rub my eyes from the burning of the water in em. I woke up at 4:30...AM!!! WHO WAKES UP! THAT EARLY!! But I didn't wanna be kicked off the team and Sensei doesn't mess around so I just dealt with it. I was getting used to the dream. But every time I woke up I always felt hot. My body was still burning and it felt like the fire around me was still there. I could use some cold air for  now. 

Or not. I walk outside and it's colder than a frosty winter day. It's all foggy in the distance and I make my way to the corner of Fulton and Raymer. 

When I get there I see the rest of the team who looked like they got their early. And did they look tired. I groan but look around and realize that we were in a trash dump. Broken, dusty cars everywhere, dirt on the floor and it smelled like horse shit. 

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now