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I get home and get ready for the doctors appointment today. "Hey did you find out what you wanted to be for Halloween?" "I dunno. I mean I'm going with Reggie so I dunno maybe I'll just put a blond wig on." "What blond wig why?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno I guess always thought blonds and dark haired people looked better together." my mom hummed at my choice and we drove off to the doctors. 

When we get to the hospital I try my best to cover myself up. "Do you think they'll notice?" I asked. "I mean what if they ask for my name and then my ID and you know all that stuff and-" my mom grabbed my shoulders. "Hey. Were fine. They won't find out." she said trying to relieve my stress. 

I calm down and take a few breathers ready to go in. 

When I walk in I look around and see a bunch of kids who are crying and old people who are sleeping, hugging, holding hands and it didn't look at all like the ones in Arizona. It was all depressing and there was a family crying in the corner and I just looked at them and thought of what a shit hole this place must be. I mean at least take them to a private room or something to cry PLEASE.

I scoff and we get to the counter and there is a female nurse or doctor behind the counter and she looks up at us with a distressed and tired look. "Can I help you." she asked with an attitude. She had a raspy but squeaky voice. "Uh yeah were here for an appointment with Dr. Greene?" "Hershel Greene?" "Yeah." she looked at us for a moment like we were up to something. "Alright I'll call." she said in a deppy downer voice.

"HERSHEL!" she screamed making me and my mom jump back. "THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE TO SEE YOU!" she screamed in her raspy voice. Me and my mom look at each other and think the same thing. How in the hell did we ever get here.

She looks back at us and goes back down to her clipboard. "So do we just stand here?" I whispered into my moms ear. "I dunno. I guess." we both let out breath of air at the same time until we see a doctor come out and he looked like Hershel. "Oh hello there!" he said happily.

He was a tall old man, with a white beard and a small gut. But he looked so adorable in a way. And he was for some reason wearing-overalls?

I don't even wanna know.

"How can I help you guys today?" he asked in his sweet old man voice. "Um were the-" my mom looked at me forgetting what our "last name" was. "Were the Marie's." I finished. "I had set up an appointment with you yesterday." "Ah yes right this way." he said walking into the door. Me and my mom looked at each other one more time and followed along.

"Oh boy." we both said.

We get in the small room and there was a metal bed with a paper covering the whole thing. I sit on it and hold back a grunt from my tailbone hitting mettle. "Oh yeah sorry about that. We don't get the cushions till next week." "Mhm noted." I said in pain getting up and sitting on the chair next to my mom.

He pulls a chair out and sits in front of us. "So you were saying that your daughter has been having lucid dreams?" he asked. "Uh yeah-when I go to sleep I sometimes have these dreams and it's like I'm living in them. I mean I remember everything from the dream. "Is it the same dream?" "yeah it's the same dream. Over and over and over again." he hums and writes that down on his clipboard. "And tell me. What do you see in these dreams?"


"Well. Everything is on fire."


"I mean it's like everywhere I turn there's a wall. I'm like in a tunnel running and running."


Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now