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They bring me through the door and into the emergency room to fix me up. Hawk next to me making sure I got there safe. Sense it wasnt as bad as a crash or something he got to come into the emergency room with me. I was crying hurt I look at my bloddy and broken fist seeing the gore all over it and I started to freak out.

"Dont look baby dont look just look at me look at me." Hawk said turning my head towards him. He never took his eyes off me. "You're gonna be fine." He whispered kissing my forehead trying to smooth everything over.

They open the door to the emergency room. "Okay sir what is your relation to her?" "Um uh-" "are you a family member?" "No but-" "the you're gonna have to-" but I butt in and grab the nurses shirt "please." I asked. She sighed and looked at him. "Are you her friend?" "Uh boyfriend." "Okay what's your name?" "Hawk." "What's your name kid." Hawk rolls his eyes "Eli." "Okay Eli imma need you to come around her and hold her cause were gonna give her a shot to numb the pain." "What?!" I asked not wanting to go through any more pain.

"Hey hey it's only gonna her for a sec, I'll be here." Hawk said hoping onto the bed. I rest my back against his chest and he holds my head rubbing the side of it. "Shhh." He cooed comforting me. I hear mettle being fiddled with and when I turn I see them bringing a shot. "Oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd!" I panic.

"Ma'am it's only gonna hurt fer a bit." "Ah shit no no no no." "Its okay it's okay I'm here baby focus on me." I heard a bunch of people after Hawk telling me to breath and calm down. "Hold my hand princess hold my hand." I grab Hawks hand and squeeze it hard. "There we go there we go." He said in a something voice.

They bring the needle to my skin and I cry out in pain as they stick it through the shredded skin feeling it touch my bone. I wail out into the air but Hawks low and soft voice calmed down and was all I heard. They take the shot out and I cry in relief. "There we go baby its over. You did so good princess so good." I started to sob wanting this all over. "Jim call her parents. Sweetheart wheres your phone." "Its its-dojo." "Here use mine." Hawk said pulling his phone out.

I told them the number and I heard through the phone my mom scared as hell. I heard her heavy breathing through the speaker. "Ma'am I'm gonna need you to calm down shes fine, were just gonna take a few tests see where shes at-" "Jules!" The doctor snapped for her to come over and look at my hand. She comes over "we can't. she needs surgery. Bones are fractured everywhere this is gonna take a while." "Surgery what?!" "Sweetheart your hand is far from saving the best option is a small surgery. You've broken half your bones and if we dont do it now then we may be too late." I whine.

I hear my mom panic through the phone. "I'm coming down." I heard her say crying. Ah shit I hope she can focus on the road. They get everything ready and I felt my hand numb while I was resting in Hawks arms. He stroked my hair and arm.

I had calmed down a bit and I zoned out. I felt so safe in Hawks arms. I didnt want him to let me go. And I havent felt that in a long time.

"Okay were ready." I whine and close my eyes. "Come on princess, you'll be asleep the whole time itll feel like 5 minutes." He said helping me up. They put me on the chair and Hawk walks with me till we get to the door. "Uh Natalie?" The doctors stop me and turn me towards him.

He comes up, puts his hands on my face feeling his soft hands rub up and down my cheek. He smiles and gives me a small kiss. "I-uh" he wanted to say something.

"I-I-" I loook in his eyes trying to figure it out. But he hid "I'll be here when you get out." Oh. "Uh yeah" I said smiling. They turn me back around taking me through the two doors. I knew what he wanted to say.


So apparently they didnt put me to sleep, they just put me in laughing gas. So I was awake but didnt feel anything. I was numb everywhere. It just felt a little intense is all. "Okay after a while the numbing pain will wear off and you'll feel sore and a bit of a sting for a couple days but it's nothing we can't fix." the female doctor said. I nod my head and they take me to my room.

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now