5- a sour taste

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-sorry i havent updated in a long time, im having personal issues and wish you all the best during these times-

-i also apologize if i get anything wrong, as its been forever since i last wrote in this-

"dio," you hummed, turning to the teen. "i trust that you can take on the job, yes? no foul play."

abbacchio was considerably tall, and according to the sliver of biology you knew, your size must balance out with your strength, meaning that he should be quite strong as well. however, dio and diavolo would be able to handle him just fine with their training, since leone never really payed attention in your class anyway.

just as you had predicted, the purple-haired teen was easily beat and left with a bruise in the side and on his arm for struggling.

it was a rather pitiful display, watching the kid pout with embarrassment once his two opponents finally let him up. you even struggled not to laugh a bit before speaking to the kid. "now, im not going to lecture you or ask how you felt, because its obvious. you were overpowered and not one person came over to help you, which made you feel small, yes?"

abbacchio only huffed, not meeting your eyes as he folded his arms. "well then," you continued, "im going to have to ask you to go see mister weather after school today, and ill tell bucciarati to make sure that you stick to this demand, as im sure he wouldnt want his boyfriend in any more trouble this week."

"we arent datin-"

"i dont want to hear it. go to class."

with that, abbacchio left the gym, briefly glaring at doppio before disappearing from sight.  you, after bidding farewell to your students, also left the gym, finding weather nowhere around you. he may have went back to his office, or maybe he went to talk to the principal about what happened.

it didnt matter at the moment, though. you still had some time to kill before your next class, and you knew the exact person to bother to entertain you.


"miss (y/n), may i ask why you're here?"

you spun around in a rolling chair at the back of the infirmary, cheekily throwing a roll of gauze at josuke, who was sitting peacefully at his desk.

"im just bored, and youre the perfect person to cure me of that! weather's probably busy, and kakyoin has a class right now, and last time i bothered avdol, he threw a book at me!" you whined, scooting over to where josuke was.

"what about polnareff? or melone?"

"im too lazy to look for polnareff, and last time i saw melone he made, like, twenty suggestive comments in the span of ten minutes of me being around him."

"ah, i see..." he huffed, digging through a draw he opened. "here, use this to entertain yourself."

he handed you a coloring book that was normally given to the smaller kids when they visited the school. half of the pages were already filled in, and one of them looked like they were used as a diary, full of incomprehensible words aside for 'big pink cat' and 'tank bomb'.

you flicked your gaze up to josuke, who was paying no mind to you while working on his computer. "youre kidding."

"nope, i think youre really gonna like page 83! there's a rabbit on there, y'know."

"ha-ha, very funny, mister higashikata. go screw yourself."

bunny, a nickname the nurse had decided to give you a while back, was what happened to trigger the joke. you didnt even know why he called you that, it just happened one day without warning and he has yet to stop.

"(y/n), are you in here?" a voice called unexpectedly from the entrance, its tone rough and mischievous. "we have a problem~!"

you didnt even need to look to see who it was, making a miserable expression towards josuke and silently begging him to answer for you, though all he did was smile and keep quiet, typing away at his little laptop you threatened to smash against the wall. 

jolyne peeked her head around the corner, grinning like an idiot in her green shirt that said 'i hate kids', which was strategically covered by a worn leather jacket. "there you are, babe!"

"dont call me that."

jolyne, a longtime member in the mob, had to be one of the most clingy and invasive captains you had, always in your business or needing your help every other hour. "sure thing, babe, but i need you to come with me!"

its like she didnt even hear you, either that, or she didnt care. 

you remained seated in your chair, discreetly flipping off josuke for not helping you drive off jolyne when the time arrived. "why? if youre about to tell me that melone got his hand stuck in your anatomy mannequin again, im just letting you know now that im not helping him for the 5th time."

"unfortunately, im not here about melone again. i kinda, sorta, maybe promised my class you'd come in to help for a demonstration?"

"you what."

haha hi

do you guys want, like, a groupchat chapter for this book

idk you guys liked it in the other books

lemme kno tho

love yall

too tired to threaten you, so please just go drink water

stay safe, love yourself, and goodnight!

~trash author

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now