10~ melone, kindly screw off

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"Will, I thought we weren't expecting any guests." You whispered under your breath, eyeing the butler a mere few feet away from you.

"We weren't, mistress, but you know how mister Melone is. Shall I get the door?" 

William was already busy with cleaning up after the boys' mess, so in attempt to lighten the load on him, you waved him off and hurried toward the door, putting on a pleasant expression in spite of your sour mood.

"Good evening, M-" Immediately, your sentence was cut short with a large hug, Melone squeezing the air right out of you the moment he was graced with your presence.

"(Y/n), good to see you!"

"You're the one that showed up at my house."

"Still, it's good to see you!"

"Get off me."

The man clambered off of your body quickly, putting on a large grin as he looked up at you. "Apologies, boss! Anyways, i got a thing you might like! May I come in?"

"No." You spat, narrowing your eyes at him.

"Yes, you may, mister Melone." A voice interjected, coming up behind you. "I have some tea on the stove, would you like a glass?"

Melone swiftly ushered past you with his hand extended, leaving you to scowl at his sudden entrance as he shook hands with Will. Without further delay, the two promptly scurried to the dining room and began to chatter mindlessly, such is the behavior of two horrible close friends. 

The only reason Will even paid him any mind is because he decided to pop up unannounced every so often, much like this time.

"I apologize for his behavior, boss," a new voice spoke, its tone low and sharp, "please excuse him. He insisted he come along."

You allowed your eyes to wander back to the door Melone ever so rudely ran through, scanning over the large, rugged body at your doorstep. "Good to see you, Speedwagon."

Rather kindly, the blonde tipped his hat and smiled, briefly gesturing to a cream-colored file tucked beneath his arm as he spoke. "As to you, boss. I have something that might be worth your while."

"Then dont be shy, come on in. Would you like your usual coffee?" 

He shook his head no, and led himself to the dining room where Melone was suspected, and found, to be causing trouble like usual. Not wasting his time in scolding the assassin himself, Speedwagon occupied his hands with unfolding everything he had in the folder he had brought along, spreading different sheets along the table with information all about... Kakyoin.

Christ, this didn't seem good.

"So, boss," He managed to mumble, taking off his hat to run his fingers through his hair, "what do you want to look at first?"

Your mouth had done nothing but hung open, jaw indefinitely dropped from surprise at how much he had put together in so little time. You had even brought this up, to which he noted that if he wasn't able to do this, then what good was he as your left hand?

It's true that high-standards were normalcy in your gang, and that everything must be done quickly and with precision, but this was certainly something else.

Melone leaned back in the chair he sat in, swirling a lollipop around in his mouth as he propped his feet onto the table. "Ooh, what's all that?"

"Were you not paying attention, you idiot?" You huffed, yanking the sucker from out of his mouth and throwing it at his head. "It's information on Kakyoin, you cunt."

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now