12- A Look Into The Past! Jolyne In Peril?

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"I'll be meeting with business partners alone on march twelfth, at the demolition site of our old base." You told Kakyoin.

"I'll be meeting alone with another gang boss on march twelfth, at the abandoned hotel four miles from here." You told Avdol

"I'll be making a territory deal with another mob alone on march twelfth, at the nice restaurant a few streets down from here." You told Polnareff.

This was all apart of Speedwagon's plan. Tell each different person you suspected, that you were going to be in a different place, alone, on march twelfth. The mole, if any of these three, will leak this information to Prosciutto and his goons.

But why Prosciutto? Why must it be him, and not some other power-hungry person looking for cash and status? You always told yourself that leaving him in the midst of night, sleeping in your shared bed, was what you were supposed to do. You pretended that was the correct choice, acted like it was as though it were the truth, and left him wondering why your wedding ring was sat upon the nightstand, barren of its finger. 

No matter how much you wanted to move on from this life, or how much you tried to avoid any more mob activity after marrying the man who was supposed to be your one true love, you were still targeted, and still sought after. They wouldn't leave you be, be it people from another gang, or a once-rival boss who thought of you as a coward toward the rough life you grew sick of.

Playing dead was the right way to go, many mused. Pinning your 'abduction' and 'horrible murder' on your current persona as the boss to 'The Sugar-hill Gang' was supposed to ward off Prosciutto from going into any of your territory, not attract him for revenge!

Knowing he's out for your head without being aware it's you really hurts, but you brought this upon yourself-- and you're prepared to accept whatever comes after it.

After a long, hard while, sulking in your sinful deed of abandoning the one person you were meant to devote your life to, or in this case, sulking a solid eight years, you convinced yourself that you weren't deserving of love of any kind.

And yet,

"Hey, (Y/n)?"

Cupid came knocking at your door.

"You've looked really drained lately... I- uh, brought you some coffee."

You lifted your head to meet Weathers eyes with your own, purplish circles lining their somewhat puffy eyelids and leaving you to look.. well... dead.

"Thank you, Weather, I appreciate it." You grumbled, letting your shaky fingers reach out for the much needed caffeine and clamp around it desperately. It was almost intimidating how quickly you gulped it down, letting the energy-fueled beverage shake your nerves awake and get you pumped (not by much, though).

"It's no problem," He muttered, letting his hands tangle themselves awkwardly, "also, I wanted to stop by and, uhm--"

"What, don't tell me I've already made you fall for me!" You joked, shoulders racking with light laughter.

"What? No, don't you get it twisted! I was just being nice!"

"Ooh~! Ok, mister nice guy, what would you say to dinner with me then, hmm? Tonios, this friday at eight?"

"...Are you kidding me."

You cheekily leaned back into your chair, jutting out your lower lip into a pout as your brows furrowed. "Aww, don't tell me you're saying no! I might just cry!"

You were already close to such thanks to the frustration over the traitor controversy, but that doesn't matter.

Weather huffed in obvious annoyance, rubbing his temples as his foot endlessly beat against the carpet. "...Do I even have a choice to say no?"


"I fucking knew it..."

"I'll see you at eight!" You chirped, spinning in your chair with a goofy smile. "I'll make sure you have a good time, and then some!"

"If you're plan is to hook--"

You shot out of your chair and ushered him out the door, smiling all the while and ignoring his cut off question. "Now shoo! I got work to do!"

And then he was gone.

Wow... your first date in a while. You almost don't know what to do! How do you dress? What can you talk about other than school and the mob, which the latter you can't even speak of? What if he sees the whole thing as a bore and just thinks you're still annoying?

...Nah, that last one won't happen. He has to have fun! You'll make sure he does!

'Incoming call: Jolyne'

Interrupting your brief high was the irritating buzz of your phone, which was snatched and harshly thrown to your ear.

"What is it you want?"

"Boss, you can't go home tonight." A panicked voice whispered into the line, shaky and wavering.

"...What? Jolyne, what are you on?"

"Boss, you really, really cant go home. I'll go get a hotel, o-or rent out wherever you'd like to stay, but just do not. Go. Home."

"Jolyne, what's happening? Where are you?"

The call ended.

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now