3- weathers coffee, and pucci the tag along

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The hollow sound of your knuckles knocking themselves against the counselor's door echoed down the hallway, leaving you and doppio to wait patiently in the loud silence of the empty school. The handle to the door jiggled for a moment, twisting and allowing the door to swing open to reveal a rather sleepy weather report. "ah, (y/n), what brings you here today?"

He looked down at your student. "is something the matter with little doppio again?"

"nah," you laughed, pushing past him and welcoming yourself into his office, "you just seemed like youd be lonely today, so I thought id keep you company with doppio and myself."

"I was actually enjoying a quick power nap, you know."

"oh! Sleeping on the job, are we? What if I told speedwagon about that?"

Weather was unimpressed, watching you skip over to his office chair and begin to spin around in it childishly. "in that case, make yourself at home." he huffed, rolling his eyes. 

Doppio only took a seat in one of the spare chairs off to the side, distancing himself a bit from the conversation. He found it rather amusing that his tough, strong, and rather serious teacher was so playful outside of class.

"weather, where's my coffee?" you randomly asked, staring at him as if he was guilty of something sinister.

" (y/n), I pray you know im not your personal maid." Weather groaned, seemingly regretting letting you into his office at all.

You flipped one of his pens around your finger, making an annoying clicking sound as you pressed the tip up and down. "I know~, but you normally have some in here that I can steal!"

"I, unfortunately, do not have any coffee for you to steal at the moment."

"then can you run over to that sweetheart santana across the street and grab me one? Black with no cream or sugar, please."

Weather gave you a dumbfounded expression, folding his arms with a smile of disbelief. "youre kidding."

"nope. My wallet is in my desk, so go treat yourself to something while youre at it."

You turned toward doppio, tossing the pen onto the desk. "do you want anything, sweetie?"

"im-im alright, miss (y/n). thank you, though."

"come on! Let me get you a cake pop or some brownies! It's the least I can do to make your day better after your incident with Abbacchio and narancia."

Doppio fumbled with his fingers, talking to himself in a low tone before picking his head back up to face you. "if its not too much trouble, can I have a hot chocolate?"

"of course, sweetheart! Weather," you turned to the counselor with a devilish smile. "one black coffee and a hot chocolate. Use whatever else I have in my wallet to get yourself something nice."

Rolling his eyes, weather left his office, leaving you and doppio alone as he mumbled curses beneath his breath, mainly about how he doesn't get paid enough to deal with you. "ill be back in thirty minutes. Don't set my office on fire while im gone."

"no promises~!"

Doppio remained sitting uncomfortably in his seat, staring down at his feet in contemplation. Curious, you spun the office chair you sat in to the direction where doppio was, tilting your head. "whats the matter, dear? Do you want me to go get your brother?"

"if you could take me to diavolo, or let him stay with me while we wait for mister weather, id like that a lot.."

You rose from your seat, prompting doppio to do the same. "we can do that, sweetpea! He should be in the cafeteria, right?"

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now