11- Finally, A Lead!

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"Polnareff has been getting an unusual amount of phone calls..." You murmured beneath your breath, eyes running over the letter given to you by Avdol. "...And so has Kakyoin... So much evidence disappeared too..."

He delivered it nice and inconspicuously, too, stuffing it between grading papers and saying to 'check the one's from last week', which is where the paper was. Like said before, he never failed to disappoint with the amount of information he could scrounge up, always leaving you more impressed than before.

Kakyoin and Polnareff have made an alarming number of calls to unknown numbers, reeling in the possibility that there was likely more than one mole-- or, that someone was setting them up.

Now, the possibility that Kakyoin and/or Polnareff are the moles isn't completely ruled out, for as much as you trust them, they were still high-suspects in this tango of nonsense. Some would suspect that Kakyoin wants a taste of being the head of the mob after acting as your right-hand for so long, and others may speculate that he's being bribed to comply with an enemy gang with a higher reward than his pay.

As for Polnareff, he may very well have gotten tired of the position as captain, and aimed for the top as any would. That, or it might be the same conspiracy that he's being bribed handsomely.

Or, it was a third option, that someone had gotten ahold of their devices, and are communicating under their name... but that would have to mean that someone close to them is the traitor.

"Miss (Y/n)?" A voice hesitantly mumbled, breaking you from your investigative thoughts.

Reimi sat poised in her chair, hand raised into the air for your attention. Right, your students were in the middle of a test-- she must've had her hand up for a while if she felt the need to call for you.

"Yes, miss Sugimoto, what might I help you with?" You huffed, pulling yourself out of your seat and walking over to her. "Having trouble with a question?"

"Yes, uh..." She let her finger drag to question thirty-two, showing you... Ah, shit.

With a heavy sigh, you quickly shuffled back over to your desk and plucked a pillar of chalk from your drawer. "Everyone, take a break for a moment; eyes up here."

All attention flew to your chalkboard, eager to know what the news might be. Were they being let out early? Were you going to give them a treat? What was going on?

"There's an error on question thirty-two. The correct answer isn't given, so just circle 'D' and I'll give you credit for the question." You instructed rather tiredly, marking down your same words in white as a reminder to both them, and future classes taking the exam. 

A silent uproar of murmurs erupted among the class as everyone flipped to the page in question, their whispers of excitement instantly hushed by the snapping of your fingers and the dry line of "Get back to work"-- all before you thanked Reimi, and crashed back into your seat.

Odd questions often have odd answers. In order to find those answers, you just have to look at everything from a different perspective. If someone tells you a square is three-dimensional, then you'll say they're wrong till it's turned on its side.

Now, this all leads back to the potential possibilities of who the mole might be. Just like saying that a cube is merely a square if seen from the front, saying that Kakyoin and Polnareff are the only possibilities is ludicrous. 

But who else could there be? Speedwagon and Jolyne are clean, Wamuu was found not guilty, and after looking over Gyro for some time, you found him unhiding of everything. But still, there was a nagging feeling, something itching you inside, that said you were missing something. Something so blatantly obvious, any onlooker would call you stupid.

And then it hit.

What about Avdol?

Naturally, being the head of the informant team meant you placed an over abundance of trust in him for information, so there was a high chance he's given you false knowledge of something over this case.

Yes, Avdol! He might just be the mole... But is he really? 

No, he has to be, there's no other explanation! Kakyoin has been with you through thick and thin, and Polnareff is too cowardly to take charge of something so grand, let along act upon his desire to do so.

You quickly surfed through your contacts and hit exactly who you were looking for;


'Robert, come down to my class immediately. I have a job for you.'


'Is it important? Or can it wait a few minutes?'

'You have five minutes to get down here.'

'Yes, boss.'

He was there in even less time than prompted, but no less was expected from your most loyal and hard-working man known as your second-in-command.  No sooner had he arrived did you immediately step outside with him, trusting that your students knew better than to cheat in your absence. 

"Alright, (y/n), what's going on? Did you find something? Crack the case?"

"Worse. I found another suspect." You murmured.

In no time at all did you spill your suspicions to him, listing all the reasons why, and more. He nodded and acknowledged each one, listing such evidence in the back of his mind as you told him all about how it may be Avdol that's deceiving and ratting you all out.

"I see... Yes, that's rather upsetting, isn't it?" His lips twitched into a frown. "However, just the other day, I had seen Kakyoin leave the premises early. Three hours before school ended, to be exact. He came back with an hour to spare."

"Kakyoin left? When? To where?" You gaped. "Why hadn't you informed me of this?"

"It's what I was doing in my office, diving deeper into the security camera footage provided by Avdol, which is why I believe I have a right to say it's most likely not him." He took the liberty of elaborating further only after leaning against the wall, arms folded. "Kakyoin met up with a few strangely dressed people in dark suits. There was a brief exchange before he left, and came walking back here."

"Where was this?" 

"Way too far down the street. Took him both an hour to there and back, he was only there for ten minutes."

"Strange, this is all so very strange... I feel like we're being led in circles on purpose." You head dipped to hide itself in your hands. "What to do... What to do..."

The intriguing crinkling of fine, thick paper, pricked at your ears curiously, your eyes peeking through your fingers to ease your growing interest. A map, as well as a detailed, written plan, were pinched between Speedwagons nimble fingers.

"Well, if you could spare me a moment, I think I might have an idea."

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now