14- The Woman With The Dragon Tattoo

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(switching perspectives because i said so and its easier)


She lays on her side slothfully, breathing tuned to a slow pattern, as her eyes trail over the plethora of tattoos etched into the body of the woman across from her, sitting on the edge of the bed. Jolyne allowed her eyes to wander, as anyone would be curious; counting each little captured image needled into her bosses body with an interest unmatched by any other.

If she so dared, she would've liked to let her fingers trace every design, her nails to rake over that dragon twisting up her back. It was tempting, oh so tempting, to just let loose of control, just this once, and finally take a breath to admire the person that saved her life those years back, and everything that came with it.

But unless she wishes for a broken hand, she keeps those urges to herself, and continues staring.

"Room service~!" A shrill voice calls from behind the entrance, (Y/n)s head snapping up at the call. 

Huffing, she pulls herself off the ledge of the mattress, dressed in only the pants she wore today and a plain sports bra, and answers the door-- only, unknown to the visitors, she held a pistol in the same hand hidden behind the door.

"What is it you-" She pauses, and clears her throat. "Good evening, Cioccolata and company. Thank you for coming on such a short notice."

"Anything for you, boss! Now, if you'd be so generous, might you fill us --" From where she sat, Jolyne could barely see Cioccolata, that freak, gesture to what looked like Wamuu, Okuyasu, and Melone, standing idly at the door. "--in on what's happening, we'd be happy to receive whatever orders you have for us."

"Two students from the school are in the room across from me. Aside from myself and Will, they are your upmost priority. I will be staying in this hotel for two to three days before relocating, and during the time I will be here, there's risk of attack. I'm sure you know what should be done in that scenario, ad what steps you should take now."

"Of course."

"Then what are you standing around for, huh? Get moving."

With that, the door was slammed shut, and (Y/n) sauntered back to her share of the bed before tumbling onto it with a sigh, her nose pointed towards the ceiling, and her hands laying flat on her stomach. (E/c) eyes slowly roll to look at Jolyne, who was now sitting upright, and staring down at her expectantly.

"You got a staring problem?" She snapped, fingers beginning to drum along her abdomen. 

"No, ma'am."

She turned away, and though it appeared like she were to speak no further, (Y/n)s mouth opened once more.

"Hey. Cujoh."

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Do you think I should just give up and die?"

Jolynes breath hitches. "Pardon, ma'am?" 

"Answer me." Her gaze is fixated on the beige ceiling above. "Should I die?"

"Even if that were to be what you wished," Jolyne shifts her position, so that she's now leaning over her superior, and holding her arm in comfort, "I'm afraid I would not let that happen."

"What if I were to order you to let me give up?"

"Forgive me for saying this, ma'am, but that would be the one time I would disobey orders. The leader of the SugarHill Gang will never give up, and never surrender. Not if I have something to say about it."

"You're awfully bold telling me that'd you'd disobey me to my face, you know that?" (Y/n) clicked her tongue. "Maybe I should discipline you for that-"

A red dot lights up on the wall, and all eyes turn to its appearance. It sits still for a moment, patient, waiting, and all goes quiet as the boss and her guard attempt to determine its next move, let alone where it came from.

It crawls along the wall, slowly and somewhat shakily in a searching manner, groping the area in attempt to find what it needs. Jolyne steadily positions herself in front of (Y/n), arms on either side of her, as were her legs, acting as a shield to this potential threat. 

Without warning, the little laser's end shoots to meet (Y/n)s head, and a gunshot is heard.

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now