13- Everything is Temporary

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You're glad you listened to Jolyne.

You shouldn't have come home.

Flames snapped against charred wooden walls, glass shattered from the heat, and burning curtains billowed in the wind. All the paper work in your office shriveled into burnt versions of themselves, unreadable, unrecoverable. Those wonderful rooms the Brando brothers adored so much, loved so much, were so grateful for, now home to the embers that ate it alive.

You looked at the footage Will provided you with a still face, taking the phone from his trembling grasp and allowing him to rest as Jolyne patched his burn wounds carefully, holding his hand all the while in comfort.

Your home was an example of what Prosciutto would do to you if he ever found you. Or rather, the leader of your gang, that supposedly abducted killed you; Which, again, was a cover up for you abandoning him.

There was no easy way to put it. You didn't leave him, you didn't just carry off into the night for a good reason. You abandoned him. The perfect man, who was meant to have the perfect wife.

"Boss," Jolyne spoke, tying off the last bandage, "you think I could talk to you in private really quick?"

You had taken up her offer earlier for having her rent out a hotel room-- two of the finest they had. One for your boys, and the other for you and Will. It was a struggle explaining to Dio and Diego why they would be staying in a hotel for the night, but they managed to buy your lie, (Though it was obvious that Dio was still skeptical, as he rightfully should've been).

Pulled into the bathroom, you leaned back against the shining white sink, propped up by two taut arms and staring directly into Jolynes conflicted eyes, patiently waiting as you drummed your fingers along the marble.

"What is it." You hummed, pulling the tie on your neck loose. (Because Christ, did you tie that thing tight.)

Jolyne struggled to focus her eyes on one place, jumping between your chest, the flexing muscles in your arm, the sharp look in your eye, and your strong, scarred hands pulling the ribbon on your neck free. "We-Well, If I may suggest, I think we should start being more skeptical of Polnareff."

"Oh? And what makes you think that?"

"He was in charge of communications back when our base was in one piece, yes? As well as organization, sending out hits and jobs to the different teams with their different territories?"

"Yes, that is correct... What are you alluding to?"

"I'm saying, that maybe he had organized for this to happen. He knew all of the dates in which we were free for attack, when the strongest of us were gone and the weakest here. How to cover up his trace almost seamlessly, leaving a blank in history where he was meant to be there. He's a sneak, boss, he's practically the answer we're looking for!"

Thinking back, Avdol told you that when he had given the list of suspects, Jolyne was commonly referred to as someone being suspicious of another. Could that have been Polnareff back then, too? Or did she only now start believing he was the culprit?

"Is this what you have been thinking, Jolyne? This whole time, you've been sure it was him?" You hummed, folding your arms as you ran your tongue along the inside of your cheek. "And do you have any more evidence other than what you've just told me?"

"Of course, boss-"

"Cut the 'boss' talk. Can't have the kids hearing you talk to me like that if they walk in here. Walls are thin, too."

"Yes, b- Ma'am. I believe that Polnareff understood how much of a valuable asset he was to our functioning, and how much trust you put into him as a result of that. With that knowledge, he's been able to hide what he's done this whole time, positive you wouldn't come around to suspecting him because, after all, he's the loyal and lovable Polnareff, capable of doing no harm to those he stands by, right?"

"You've... got a point there." Thank goodness Jolyne was around, else who knows, you might've lost your head by now. All other suspects aside, Polnareff was your only focus. "Thank you, make sure to make a couple calls to any of Avdols men to weed out some more information before tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am, I'm already on it." She replied, whipping out her phone.

You eyed her, curious, as to how her past had led her to where she was now. The first you met, she was behind bars, and now, she's working right at your side, despite her original feelings of distaste.

"Say," you clicked your tongue, "do you have a place to stay for tonight?"

"I'll be staying one room over, ensuring your safety with Will in his state, and two boys for you to look after." She continued to tap away at her phone. "I've requested that Okuyasu, Melone, Cioccolata, and Wamuu come and stand watch for us. Wamuu will be staying one room away from the Brandos, keeping an eye on them."

"I see. Have you already booked your room?"

"No, ma'am. No one is ever really able to get a room up here, so getting one will be relatively easy."

"Ah, well then, don't waste the money or time. You'll be staying in my room."

Jolyne snapped up from her screen, looking at you with widened eyes. "Pardon?"

"I hate repeating myself. Didn't you hear me?"

"I'm unsure if I had heard you correctly, ma'am. Please forgive me."

"You're forgiven." You smiled. "I said you may stay in my room for the night. I much prefer it, anyway."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude on your privacy, and for me to-"

"I don't believe I'm giving you an option. I said you're staying in my room, so that's what you'll be doing." You barked, narrowing your eyes. "To think, maybe I should start being wary of you for questioning orders?"

"No-No ma'am! You needn't be suspicious of me at all, I sincerely apologize!" Jolyne whimpered, kneeling before you with her hand across her chest. "I would never dream of disobeying you; and I never have, and never will, question orders, ma'am!"

"Good girl." You grinned. "On your feet. Get ready for bed."

"I don't have a change of clothes, ma'am." She admitted, standing back up to her full height. "Forgive me."

"Well then, shed that coat of yours, and leave your shirt elsewhere. Those will have to do for the morning."

"Yes, ma'am." The form-fitting, green tuxedo jacket she wore was already lapped over her arm, her white button up next in line. "Where would you prefer I rest?"

"My bed. Will shall have his own so he may rest, and before you ask, I will not have you sleep on the floor. In the case of an attack, a kink in the neck will do no good." You replied, swiftly undoing your shirt and folding it, revealing your scarred and tattooed body for her eyes to gaze upon.

All that kept your chest from being bare was the simple black bra strapped across it, and to Jolyne, she didn't even feel worthy to look at such. You're her boss, the person that saved her a life of wrongful imprisonment, and she's your subordinate, someone who should be giving you unending respect. 

With the wave of your hand, she's already awaiting your orders, quickly peeking at your toned back while you washed your hands. "Jolyne, have Speedwagon organize a place for us to stay. Anywhere is fine."

"Of course, ma'am. How many is 'us'? Just you and will, or the boys included?"

"Me, Dio, Diego, Will, and you, of course."


"As of today, you'll be my personal bodyguard, unless I explicitly tell you otherwise. If you're anywhere other than at my side... Well, I'm sure you can imagine the consequences."

A knock comes from the hotel door.

'Room service!'

Strange. The staff was told to not come up here...

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن