2- a poor, beat up doppio.

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first period came and ended in a flash, finished assignments and your empty coffee cup sitting idly on your desk. Having only needing to teach first period, fifth period, and eight period, you found yourself spinning in your office chair in boredom, round and round and round again in attempt to entertain yourself. Tests were already graded, assignments were filed, and your next lesson was organized. Normally, during this time, you would find yourself annoying weather in his office, or maybe you would be gracing speedwagon a little visit, but no, not today.

Why? Well, because today, you were rather upset. Doppio, one of your star students, was involved in a fight with a couple of the juniors, in which he was too weak to defend himself against. Concerned for his well-being, you invited him to have lunch with you in your classroom, keeping him safe in case the bullies wanted a second round.

A soft knock at the door interrupted your thoughts, prompting you to turn and face the culprit of the sound. Doppio meekly peeked around the doorframe that led to your classroom, staring at you with watery eyes. "..miss (y/n)? is now a good time?"

"of course! Why wouldn't now be a good time? Come and sit, lets talk for a bit."

"are you sure?" he asked, bringing one foot closer to the door. "you seem upset about something. Youre making that really scary face again, and you only do that when something is bothering you."

You paused for a moment, noticing that doppio was right, and that you were, in fact, scowling. Changing your expression into a cheery smile, you gestured to an empty desk right in front of yours, hoping doppio didn't think you were upset with him. "nothing is bothering me, young doppio! Im simply upset that you were harmed at your weakest. My, oh my, if you were at full strength, those kids wouldn't have stood a chance!"

With a flustered smile, doppio quickly shuffled over to the desk and sat down, folding his hands together and staring down at his lap with teary eyes. You tilted your head, already aware of his thought process. "so, mind telling me what's going on, and why youre keeping a secret from me?"

Doppio jolted, a tear accidently spilling out of his eye. "its-its nothing, miss (y/n)."

You rolled your eyes, spinning in your office chair again. "liarrr~! You best tell me, mister doppio, or ill find the answer myself, And you wont like it if I do that."

Finding you to be ten times scarier than anyone else when youre angry, doppio lifted his head to look at you, his hazel eyes glossed over with fear. "they, the people that fought me, want me to meet them in the courtyard in ten minutes.." he sobbed, choking on his words. "I don't want to fight them again! Please, help me, miss (y/n)! please, please! I don't know what to do!"

"doppio. You, if you didn't know, are one of my favorite students, and even if you weren't, im not gonna stand by and let a threat like this just go by on my watch. Take me to them, and lets talk this out, shall we?"

If doppio knew anything, he at least knew that you almost always 'talked' with your fists.


"huh? Did they chicken out?" you mumbled to yourself, looking around with a hand to your forehead. "hm, they mustn't be too tough if they wont face you again."

Doppio, who according to you was very strong, clung to your arm like a frightened child, trembling slightly as he scanned the area. "miss (y/n), can we please go back inside? I just want to eat my lunch in safety.."

"don't worry, you can spend next period in my class with me. Ill give your teacher a note about the situation. Who do you have next period?"

"mister-mister giorno.."

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now