4- vanilla curls

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The numb ticking of the clock that barely clung onto your wall echoed through the somewhat empty room, each click of the hands sending the students near it deeper into a spiraling panic, save for diavolo and doppio. Pucci, who was originally uninvited, sat on the opposite side of doppio, talking to him quietly as everyone waited for you to begin your 'conversation' with leone.

The kid in question sat in the upper left corner of your room, staring down at the wooden desk in a fearful daze. Its been ten minutes since you came back into the classroom with pucci, but you had yet to say a word to anyone, simply flipping through graded papers and occasionally typing on your keyboard with a tired hum.

Diavolo had already made an attempt at getting your attention, asking when you were going to talk to them. In response, you simply put your index finger up, telling him to keep quiet until you were ready to speak, which would be a while. Another ten agonizing minutes passed, and finally there was some sign of activity.

The door to your room moaned quietly on its hinges as it opened up to reveal a less than amused weather report holding a hot black coffee, an iced latte, and a paper bag full of what you assumed to be the cake pops. "here's your stuff you wanted; I only got a drink for myself."

Your head lifted from the pile of ungraded tests and assignments in front of you, a relieved smile on your face. "oh, thank goodness. I was worried id never be able to talk to these kids without my coffee! Thank you, weather, ill see you after school to talk about leone."

"actually-" weather pulled up an empty seat and sat next to you, crossing his legs as he stared at Abbacchio-"I'd like to stay in here and watch, if you don't mind."

"I suppose that's alright."

He looked toward pucci, confused. "and what's he doing in here? Doesn't this only concern doppio, narancia, Abbacchio, and diavolo?"

You took in a large gulp of your coffee, "pucci is here for support; leave him be."

Turning to leone, you found that the kid was shamefully staring down at his hands, which were fumbling with each other endlessly. "now, lets get started shall we? Tell me, leone, why did you attack doppio? You knew he was vulnerable and alone, but what drove you to do it?" you hummed.

you knew the answer, but you asked the question for weathers sake. abbacchio swallowed his saliva. "I just- everything he did just somehow managed to annoy me, just like mister giorno. I was with narancia at the time and I thought 'well, it would be hard for him to fight back if there were two people.' So I just-"

"mister Abbacchio," you interrupted with a growl, folding your hands and pressing them to your desk, "do you know how awful that sounds? You're telling me that you deliberately waited for doppio to be vulnerable because you knew he would fight back. You knew you didn't stand too much of a chance against him if you were alone, so you influenced an underclassman to help you. Listen to yourself, you sound like a child! A coward!"

"well, yes, but i-"

"I don't want to hear it. If you want to fight doppio, do it fairly and take it to the mat."

Every student in the room was surprised by the proposition, though weather seemed to think that your suggestion was more than fair. "did you not hear me?" you said again. "I said, since you want to fight, go take it to the mat. You can finish what you started in the gym without narancia, sound fair?"

Abbacchio was clearly confused. "you want me to fight doppio again? But I thought I was here because I was in trouble for doing that!"

"oh, yes, you are here because youre in trouble for that," weather spoke, "miss (y/n) just wants you to do it all again fairly. And no, you will not be sparring against doppio. Instead, you will be going against diavolo and a person of doppios choice."

"what?! But that's not fair!"

You stood from your office chair, staring straight into leones amber eyes. "oh, I think its perfectly fair! Two against one is fair and square, right? isn't that what you thought when you and narancia went up against doppio?"

This kept leone quiet, leaving you to huff with triumph as both you and weather walked over to the door to your classroom, the rest of the students following behind you as everyone ventuerd back to the gym.


Entering the gym once again, the smell of sweat and rubber filled your nose, stinging your lungs a bit before you washed down the aroma with a sip of your coffee. Weather came up behind you, walking to the sparring mat at the far end of the gym where the kids were earlier. They all seem to be taking breaks, drinking water, talking about grades, doing such things you would do during a break.

Diego, after looking in your direction again, gave a confused expression when you brought not only pucci, diavolo, and doppio into the room, but leone Abbacchio. "miss (y/n), mister weather, whats going on?"

You bounded over to the short statured second year, smiling warmly. "well, you all are aware about doppios situation by now, but I think its time you know what happened. Leone thought it would be cool to fight doppio with narancia right when he was coming out of the nurses office, and im only assuming this, but nurse josuke broke up the fight and sent Abbacchio and narancia on their way. Ive brought leone here with doppio so they could finally finish what he started."

"but- miss (y/n), I don't meant to tell you what to do as a student, but I don't think it's a good idea to have an already emotionally attacked student once again fight the same person."

You turned around and pulled Abbacchio to the mat, somewhat harshly pushing him onto the large square mat and gesturing for diavolo to go after him. "doppio," you mumbled, turning to the mentioned kid, "which one of your friends do you want diavolo to partner with? It can be anyone you'd like."

Doppio peered around the selection of his friends, making eye contact with kira, dio, pucci, valentine, diego, and jobin. "I think... I want diavolo to choose who he has as a partner. I don't get to choose who he performs best with, he does."

"are you sure?" you asked.

"yes, let my brother choose who to spar against leone with."

Diavolo chuckled under his breath. "in that case, I want to partner with..."

who should diavolo partner with? you choose!







(sorry this chapter is so awful, ill try to do better!)

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now