6- hand model melone

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TW: self-harm

ill do the next valentines day continuation chapter next time, i just wanted to continue the story rn


"you told me that you promised your students that i would participate in a demonstration." you growled, eyeing the melone that seemed to have his entire hand stuck inside the anatomy mannequin. "more so, you told me that this wasn't something i had to deal with."

"well you would've never came in if i told the truth!" jolyne cried, tugging at melones arm harshly. 

jolyne, being the science teacher of the damned school, naturally had one of the coldest rooms there was, and you had unfortunately forgotten your jacket in your own classroom. somewhat shivering, you eyed your surroundings, glaring at a dissected frog laying on jolynes table that had yet to be disposed of. 

posters about the anatomy of plants and insects covered the walls of the classroom, model work of students stapled onto a bulletin board with some of the highest grades you've seen, higher than the grades in your classroom, at least.

being a teacher sucked. you, a mob boss of all people, should excel at this, as all you gotta do is give a group of kids orders every hour or so like you would to your lackeys. maybe you shouldve been a janitor instead...

"hey- (y/n)? are you gonna help us, or what?" jolyne mumbled, breaking your focus.

"i thought i told you i wasn't dealing with his shit again, jojo."

"i know, but i cant start my next class with his hand up my models ass! please, please, pleaseee help me!"

rightfully annoyed, you walked over to a random chair and dropped yourself onto the seat, leaning your head onto your hand. "if i do this, you're gonna buy me a cake. a large one, cherries all around, extra whipped cream, and with red frosting."

"what the hell kind of order is that?!"

"the kind of order that you'll carry out if you want me to help with this situation."

a conflicted expression crossed jolynes face before she eventually gave in, stepping out of the way for you to work your magic. using the slightest bit of your stands power, you twisted melones wrist  and popped it out of the mannequin with ease, quickly reversing your effect on his hand before it became permanently warped.

jolyne could be heard sighing with relief in the background, a pair of arms wrapping around you tightly in a warm embrace. "oh, my hero~! i can never thank you enough!"

you flicked melones nose with a frown, shoving him backward by the forehead. "don't be ridiculous, this happens at least once every month. why the hell do you keep getting your hand stuck in it, anyway?"

"i just sometimes hear-"

"he's never felt the loving touch of a woman." jolyne interjected, dumping the frog you saw earlier into the garbage bin.

"hey, i have too!" melone argued, still attempting to hug you. "just not in a while..."

"well, that sucks and all, but i've gotta go. have fun jacking off together, or whatever it is you both do in here during breaks." you hummed, nudging melone away once more before leaving the science room.

the hallway stunk of rubber and some sort of chemical, and of course that shouldn't be worrying as they were most likely cleaning supplies, but it didnt stop you from being immediately alarmed. 

the students break should be ending soon, which means your final class of the day was coming up quick. this would mean that you have around only fifteen minutes or so to tidy up your class and get the next lesson ready, and with that in mind, you hurried back to your room much faster than before.

upon entering the classroom, out of breath and somewhat sweating from the rush, you found a student from your upcoming class already sitting in their seat, materials out and ready with a smile. 

"mikitaka," you spoke, rather irritated, "why are you here so early?"

"i've been here since lunch started, miss."

"why in the world didnt you go to the cafeteria?"

"i wished to talk to you about something during my break, so while i waited for your return, i ate my lunch in here." they smiled. "are you available right now?"

shuffling over to your desk, you quickly cleared everything off and randomly dumped your stuff into your drawer, wiping down the chalkboard to erase notes from the previous lecture. "yeah, im free. what is it you need to discuss?"

mikitaka folded their hands on their desk, speaking rather quietly as if they were afraid someone would hear them. "well, i've recently noticed bruises on diego and dio, and im just concerned for their well being."

"kid, they're in the wrestling club, they're gonna get a little roughed up."

"no, miss (y/n), im telling you something's going on at home. the other day, i saw diego hiding his arms beneath his sleeves, which wouldn't be unusual since it's cold out, but he was bleeding."

you whipped your head around, eyes wide. "bleeding, you say?"

"yes! there were tons of cuts on his arms, and im afraid hes hurting himself for some reason that im positive he wont disclose. do you think you could maybe check on him?" mikitaka pleaded, staring at you with glossy eyes and a hopeful expression.

diego never seemed to be the one to hurt himself, as he always seemed to be the most prideful one in your class. then again, you cant assume anything about everyone, seeing as how most people would think you're an unmarried teacher instead of your actual profession.

"i'd be more than happy to make sure he's alright, mikitaka. is there anything else that needs to be brought to my attention?"

"nothing else, really, but dio's been acting off as well. i haven't seen any signs of self-harm like diego, but im positive somethings going on with him."

"i'll look into it after class. thank you for bringing this up, kid."

"it's nothing, miss."

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now