16- Pest Control

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(To those questioning it, yes, the stand ability has changed!)

(And no im not proof reading so take a shot every time you find an error)


This will be more than difficult to escape, if not nearly impossible.

It's a marvel how a mere civilian could string together such an operation as elaborate as this. From what you heard in your coms, there were two mercs outside on either side of the building, a sniper still up in the distance, guards securing each floor, and Prosciutto right outside.

Part of you had hoped that through all these years, he'd accept what happened, and what didn't, and move on, perhaps find some other person to marry and enjoy life with.

Though clearly revenge seemed to be the only thing on the table.

However furiously you wanted to convince yourself that it was just some other blonde fuck outside, you couldn't shake the idea that he'd finally found you, and had you cornered just like he wanted. 

Desperate to validate its panic, your mind fabricates fallacies to what it really saw, telling you there was a purple suit fit on that lithe body, that fair skin would contrast beautifully against a cumbersome necklace that hung in the dip of the jackets collar.

"Don't take the back exit," Cioccolata could be heard murmuring through the static in the earpiece, forcing your rushing to a halt, "Three shits just ran down that way."

Of course, great. "What about the fire escape?" Jolyne asks.

"Roof's blocked off, the fire escape is being guarded." Okuyasu added. "The ring leader looks like he's at the front. There's a mass of them in the lobby."

So everywhere is blocked, basically. Which is odd, considering no one should know that you were there at all, let alone know where to go immediately upon arrival.

Could it be, you think, that the mole is one of the few that had come to assist you? Or could you have overlooked Avdol too easily, your informant?

Cioccolata, Melone, Wamuu, and Okuyasu, those weren't the type of people that would do this; at least, you'd had that impression. Cioccolata is always too engrossed in his hobbies to have a care for you in this regard, and would most likely never dream of betraying you seeing as how you fund his interests.

Wamuu is similar to Polnareff, extremely loyal and always working to prove himself. Perhaps if he felt he was failing you in some way, or if you weren't paying him enough mind as you should, he would find the motivation to pull something like double-crossing you. Though the chances are slim.

Melone, that's the one you worry about the most. He's a bit too skilled at hiding things, keeping even the most minute but important details under wraps so well it's like they held no importance at all. However, he's never accepted bribes before, and you doubted he ever will, so it's 50/50 he's the one.

Okuyasu shouldn't even be questioned. He's just Polnareffs right hand as the second in command under the communication unit, he doesn't hold much importance in your eyes. If Prosciutto wanted to get someone on his side, Okuyasu would be the last person he's after. 

That leaves... No one. Dio and Diego likely don't have a clue what's going on-- or were they planted in your office on that fateful day? 

Throwing a pity party with some sob story so you'd open your arms to them? To sneak into your manor, where it soon caught fire? To lead Prosciutto and his hired men to the hotel you chose? To leak all potential escape routes, keep you contained like a bird fighting its cage?

Sincerely, Your Secret Boss. ( Various JJBA x Fem!Reader /  teacher au )Where stories live. Discover now