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     "You must be on your best behavior. After all, you are at your very first beheading."

My jaw drops as I hear the words that just came out of my moms mouth. "H-huh?" I manage to stutter out.

Of course I heard what my mom just said, but I just don't believe it. This is all too much to take in at one moment.

She looks back at me with her calm eyes. "You heard me." I don't understand. How can she be so calm about this. About, beheading someone?

I notice myself starting to panic, my heartbeat speeding up by the second. My mother noticed it to, so she gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

As if that was supposed to help...

Beheading someone, huh? I know that they're crazy but I thought they still had some sanity left in them.

All that's left in the air is an awkward silence. Not like that wasn't expected though. That's the normal reaction you would get if you had told someone that they were going to be partaking in a beheading. Maybe. I can't be all too sure of that fact though since I had never asked someone to join me while beheading someone.

Though I'm attempting to keep my composure on the outside, I'm freaking out a lot on the inside. Who wouldn't be?

I quickly look around checking out the inside of the carriage again. There has to be something, anything that I can use to help me get out of here.

But the more I look around, the more any hope I have left dwindles. My mom must've already thought of me trying to escape from here.

It appeared that the carriage doors had been sealed shut. I could just picture my mom smiling at my futile attempts of escaping.

I'd never thought of my mom as a bad guy. I mean, how could you see your own mother like that? But the more I think about everything she's done many would definitely see her in a bad light. And seeing it this way makes it way more clear of why so many people dislike her so much.

After what seemed years of silence, I heard a sound coming from outside of the carriage. The voice of people. At first it was calming to hear them, but the more I listened the more I felt on edge.

All of the voices sounded panicky and concerned.

Wait, so that means we're here?

I had been hoping this whole thing had been a big test. Of course logically it made no sense, but I don't see the logic in beheading someone either. I sighed, panic flowing through my veins.

I must keep my composure. Freaking out will help nothing.

It became increasingly harder to keep my cool as I even heard some horrified gasps and yelps. What's going on out there?

I could finally feel the carriage coming to a halt. My stomach feels like it's flipping upside down. I can't tell if this is because of the bumpy road or because of the beheading. I would say both contributed to this.

I bit down on my lip nervously as I glanced back to my mom. She was staring back at me. We were both just staring at each other in an uncomfortable silence that made me want to look away.

"Let's go." She commanded. I flinched at her harsh tone but still followed her. As the driver of the carriage opened the door for us to get out, I took a quick glance at him. He looked to be an old man with gray hair and a beard.

Our eyes only met for a second before he looked away and stared at the ground. But in those few seconds I saw a look of disgust and hatred in his stare.

I quickly became even more uncomfortable as I followed my mom down a large brick path. I could tell that everyone's gaze was on me.

They all know who I am, they have to. In their eyes I'm just another member of the sick royals that reign supreme to them. I decide to stare at the ground how the older man before did, avoiding any unwanted looks.

I could tell that we were in The Town, and suddenly my thoughts went back to him.

Kokichi Ouma.

He had certainly peaked my interest although he seemed like quite the weirdo. He hadn't looked at me with eyes of disgust when we first met. But maybe that's how he acted towards everyone, and I was nothing special.

Or maybe there was something to be earned by becoming my friend? He acted quite oddly for someone trying to be my friend though.

My mom led me to an area where the path we were walking on abruptly stopped. "Look up." She commanded me.

Hesitantly I raised my head to see what was there, but I wish I hadn't when I saw a large guillotine situated in front of us.

My jaw dropped in horror. "W-what is this?" I yelped at my mom. She stared at me a moment before answering. "I did tell you that we were attending a beheading didn't I?" She tilts her confused head at me before a look of realization hits her face.

"I suppose I was shocked as well when I was first told about beheadings."

What is she thinking? She must've completely lost it.

My thoughts flashed to all of the people who were gathered around the area. Why where they all here? Did they purposely come here to see the beheading? But there would be no reason to do that.

"Well, there's still time left before the special event. I guess it wouldn't hurt to allow you to roam around a bit. You've never really explored The Town that much, have you?" She asked, staring at me.

Of course she doesn't know about my visit here a few weeks ago, but something in her stare is off putting. But she can't know about my visit to The Town, right?

I didn't respond to my mom's question, since I'm the worst liar in existence. I just nodded at her and watch her walk away.

So what do I do now? To be honest, I feel sort of threatened walking around here all alone. I looked up, to see nearby people's stares placed upon me.

I uncomfortably look away from the attention I was receiving.

I decide to walk away and find a more peaceful place somewhere. Though Kaito took me here before, I don't remember much from last time.

Perhaps I could go back to where Kaito took me last time we were here. That'd probably help me get a better sense of my surroundings.

So off I go, wandering around aimlessly, until I feel a light tap upon my shoulder.

having a piece of gum right now would solve all my problems.
and by solve all my problems I mean that none of my problems would be solved, but i would have a piece of gum.

A Path To Freedom [Oumasai]Where stories live. Discover now