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My eyes flutter open to what appears to be my room. My thoughts immediately go back to last night. After I had said my goodbyes to Kokichi, I got Kirumi to pick me up.

I sigh to myself at how pathetic I had acted last night. I had practically begged Kirumi not to tell on me for going to The Town. In the end, she complied with my wishes.

I had been staring out at the night sky, before sleep had overcome me. I don't remember getting out of the car, so Kirumi must have carried me inside. She could have just woken me up, instead of carrying me inside.

I look around to make sure that I'm in my room. Yep, same boring gray walls. My family really liked the color gray, therefore almost everything we owned was gray. From the houses, to the walls, to the couches. It is all gray. It's not that I mind that too much though. Gray is somewhat of a relaxing color to me.

What time is it? I look over at my phone to check the time. It read 9:36. It was quite late for me to wake up at this time. I normally wake up early. I grab my phone and flip through a few of my reminders for the day.

- April 15 12:30 parents home from business trip

My eyes widen in shock as I look back at the time it is now. I breath a sigh of relief. I still have time to prepare for them to return from their trip. If they found out that I was sleeping in late, they'd disapprove. They believe that Royalty should rise early. I'm not exactly sure why though.

I jump out of bed and yawn loudly. Even though I slept for a while, I'm still tired. Oh well, I'm normally tired anyway. I walk over to a mirror on my dresser. I look back at my reflection. I see a boy with two golden colored eyes and dark blueish hair, with one hair sticking straight up.

I grab a dark blue brush, that had been gifted to me by Kaito a while ago. I brush through my hair, attempting to get all of the tangles out of it. Once I was satisfied with how my hair looked, I walked over to my closet. It was full of fancy clothes. I wish that I didn't have to wear fancy clothing everyday. It was actually quite uncomfortable to wear. I sigh to myself as I try to pick out something less fancy to wear. I end up wearing something close to what i did yesterday, but most of the clothing items were gray.

I walk into the bathroom to grab my makeup. I usually put on concealer and eyeliner. Though my parents didn't really like my eyeliner, they were okay with me wearing makeup. They believed that it made me look more presentable. I'm glad that they support me wearing this because I'm quite fond of my eyeliner. Which is exactly why I had a small panic attack when I couldn't find it.

"Huh? I thought I left it down here." I say frustration showing through my voice.

I look around somemore, and realize that I had accidentally not put my eyeliner away, yesterday.
"Ah, that's where it was." I spoke softly to myself.

I quickly grab the eyeliner and apply it to my eyes. Once I finish putting it on, I close it and put it back in its place.  

Now what should I do? After pondering about his for a while, I come to the conclusion that I should apologize to Kaito. I pull my phone out of my pocket and quickly text a message to Kaito.

Shuichi: Hey Kaito. I just wanted to apologize for shooing you off like that yesterday.

I look around while I wait for Kaito's response. I hope he responds soon. Maybe he won't even respond at all. He could really be mad at me. 

I hear a bring from my phone, telling me that someone texted me. I check to see who it is.


Thank god.

Kaito: It's okay! You are my sidekick after all!!! :)

Shuichi: Thanks Kaito.

Kaito: No problem!

I sigh with relief. I'm glad that Kaito wasn't mad at me. Now I just have to find something to do until my parents arrive. I decide to just scroll through my phone until then.

I've been scrolling through my phone for a few hours. I look up at the time. 12:00

My parents will be back in thirty minutes. I should go ahead and leave my room. I slide my phone into my back pocket and exit the room.

As I'm walking through the halls, a certain maid wearing a black dress catches my eye. It's Kirumi. I immediately walk over to her.

"Hey Kirumi!" I say, raising my voice a bit. "Master." She answers me. "Thanks for carrying me in last night." I thank her. "It's only my duty." She reassures me.

"I still want to thank you." I say, not about to start arguing with her. "Alright, master." She accepts my thanks.

I somewhat smile back at her, not to pleased that she referred to me as master again. I guess it's just hard to break a habit. Though I would prefer if she called me Shuichi.

"Well I'll be on my way now." I tell her.

"Goodbye." She says back.

I walk away from her, feeling somewhat better from our chat. I walk through unpopulated hallways with family portraits hung up on the wall. I cringe at how awkward I look in the pictures. I guess I always look somewhat awkward though.

I continue walking on a red rug down the hallway. I walk into a room where I am greeted by one of the family's butlers. To be honest, this guy has always given me the creeps. The way he looks is off putting. Even the way he smiles at me, it's like he means the exact opposite. Who knows what my family has done to this poor man.

I quickly smile at him and rush off. My parents will be home any minute now. I must be there to greet them when they return. They had gotten mad at me before, when I hadn't made it there on time. They told me that I had to do it out of respect.

I suddenly hear the drawbridge being lowered. They're here.

A Path To Freedom [Oumasai]Where stories live. Discover now