Lost In The Woods?

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     My mom snaps her head back at me, making shivers run through my spine.

Something definitely isn't right about this situation.

My body suddenly stiffens as if I'm in danger. But there's no sign of it.

Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me...

Even though I tried to reassure myself that nothing was off about this situation, I knew not to be so naive. My mom has done plenty of questionable things in the past, and she's sure to do more. 

In an unknown area with my mom with no explanation of why we're here except because she said we should be.

What's she planning on doing?

"Hm? Of course I know where we are," She reassured me with a seemingly sweet smile.

But still, there's something odd about that smile. "Now let's get going." She promptly commands me.

I simply nod at her but she had already spun back around and started walking again. However at first I didn't immediately follow.

Her behavior is way too weird. But I still can't piece together what's happening. I guess I'll just have to wait for more clues to solve this mystery.

I could hear the soft sound of her shoes, telling me that she hadn't stopped walking, and I figure that I better catch back up with her if I didn't want to be left behind.

As I hurry to catch up to my mom, I examine my surroundings. There are large trees looming far above us, creating a shadow over where we are walking.

I quickly jolt away from a vine full of thorns as it appears in front of me. I glance around attempting to find where these thorns came from. As much as I looked, I didn't see anything around me until I remembered to look up.

As I took a quick glance upwards my eyes widened. Suddenly the large trees had vines with thorns hanging down off of them.

I notice that my face holds a look of concern while I was examining the trees. These vines are definitely not safe for us to be walking under.

I checked to see if my mom had noticed the dangerous vines, but she payed no mind to them. If the wind picked up anymore I knew that we would be screwed.

That vine had fallen without much wind blowing so how many of them would if there was more wind blowing?

I payed attention to my mom's blank stare as she continued walking around. It almost seems as if we're walking in circles, with no aim to arrive anywhere. But my mom has no concern at all if we're headed in the right direction.

Almost as if... she's walked this path before.

I decide to put full trust into my mom as we're walking, and patiently follow her. Even though doubt about this whole situation is still clear in my mind, I try and push it away. Besides, the only thing I can really do is put trust in my mom. I'd be left alone, stranded in the middle of the woods if I didn't trust her with guiding us.

After we'd been walking for minutes on end without stopping, my mom came to a sudden halt. "Wh-" I start to ask her why we stopped, but she silenced me by holding her hand up in the air.

My face held a look of confusion as I watched her. As we stood there, I heard something approaching us.

As I looked around, I saw what the thing approaching us was.

A large carriage was headed straight for us. My mom waved her hand at the carriage as it slowed down and stopped right beside us.

I watched the carriage approach us as I stayed silent.

What's the point of walking all the way here then bringing a carriage to pick us up?

I watch my mother as she walks over a small bit to the carriage.

The carriage in question was a solid white color. It had some pink designs flowing every which way on it. Though the carriage obviously seemed to be girly, I didn't mind. Anyway, I have to follow my mom or I'll be lost in the middle of the woods.

As I follow my mother into the carriage, she looks back at me and beckons for me to sit down near her.

I glance at the light pink seats that seem very soft. They seemed irresistible to not sit down on.

As I sit down next to her, my mom's expression grows more serious. Before I have much of a chance to wonder what she's going to say, she announces something to me.

"Shuchi, I've decided to allow you to participate in a very special event." She begins. I give her a confused look before she continues speaking.

"Now there's no backing out since you've decided to come all this way with me." I'm about to tell her that I didn't actually decide to come here with her and she really just dragged me here, but she cuts me off.

"You must be on your best behavior. After all, you are at your very first beheading."

posted this while waiting for my mcdonalds.

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