Her Goodbye

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I left the Naegami story on a cliff hanger hehe. So now it's time for the Celesgiri backstory :)

Kirigiri's POV

I stare at her, eyes wide, a frown forming on my face. "What do you mean, no?" I ask her, somewhat harshly. I stare at her cold, hard poker face. I wish she would show me her emotions right now. Maybe it would be different if she hadn't always hid her true feelings from me. I give a frustrated sigh, and turn my attention back onto the black haired woman in front of me, still awaiting her response.

Her once cold poker face, turns into more of a sad look. Her eyes break contact from mine, finding something behind me more appealing. I know that was false. She just couldn't bare to look at me. "It won't work..." I hear her murmur. What is she babbling about? "What won't work?" I ask her, confused.

"The plan wouldn't work. No, the plan couldn't work." She states louder, glancing at me. Is she being truthful, or is this a lie? Is she just too scared to go through with my plan? "Why couldn't it work..?" I question her. I wonder if Celestia had predicted this.

Many people have called Celestia a witch before, because of her ability to predict events in the future. Some had even gone as far as to try and burn her at the stake. Though I had quickly put an end to their ignorant behavior. Most of the time what Celestia has predicted was true, so I trust in her. But right now, I'm not so sure.

Celestia closes her eyes, in deep thought. I give her time to think about this prediction of hers. Her suddenly snaps her eyes wide open, slight fear showing in them. "There is no life for us out there. There are are hideous creatures that no man or woman would ever wish to see." She states, her voice cracking a bit.

What does she mean? Does this mean there's nothing outside of the gate? Or maybe what's outside isn't human. Whatever it is, it sounds like we don't want to encounter it. I shake my head in disbelief.

"Are you sure about this?" I questioningly ask her. "Yes. We mustn't exit the gate." She responds.

I heave our a long sigh, and look out the window of her house. There was a nice sunset, contrasting my mood.

That plan was my last resort. My mother would not tolerate me being in a relationship with a so called "witch", much less a gay one.

I rest my head on my head, feeling thoroughly disappointed with Celestia's words. Even if she was wrong, she had refused to escape with me. Why can't she put her trust in me? But then again, I have no idea what lies beyond the gates either. If what Celestia saw there was true, I suppose we'd be dodging a major bullet.

If Celestia was telling the truth, this somewhat explains why no one who nears the gate ever comes back. But what exactly lies out beyond the gates? I am dying to know the secrets of this gate, but as people say "curiosity kills the cat." Which might be all too true in this situation.

Celestia stares at me, her expression wavering a bit. She shows me a somewhat sad expression. She sighs and speaks, " Look, I know that you worked very hard to form this plan, but it just won't work."

I stare sadly back at her and then nod, knowing that she had declined my offer to run away together.

I suppose it was somewhat unrealistic, considering that we know nothing of the outside world. I shake my head, at my now seemingly stupid plan.

"Do you have any ideas?" I quietly ask her, hoping she would. She just shakes her head at me, telling me no.

That was it. My last plan. The plan that I had spent hours perfecting. Though the plan was definitely not foolproof, but I didn't have anything else.

We stare at each other, a dreary silence filling the air. It would have been stupid to not expect this ending. There wasn't much chance that any of our plans would succeed.

There is nothing we can do now, for our hearts are already being stolen from the other's, and being returned to their rightful owner.

"We can still send each other letters." Celestia suddenly says, breaking the silence. I nod at her, her suggestion making me a bit happier. Perhaps we could secretly stay in touch without anyone noticing. Though we wouldn't get to see each other, this would be better than nothing.

I hear a series of knocks on my door, making me jump. Alarmed, I look over at a just as shocked Celestia. I didn't know that my family would return from their trip this early. I thought they'd be at least thirty more minutes.

Celestia turns to the window, and grimaces, knowing it's her only way out of here. She didn't like the thought of her dress getting caught on it when she left.

"I'll be there in a second!" I call out, stalling for time. I help Celestia over to the window, and through it open. A harsh breeze hits our faces, making me squint my eyes. I help Celestia lower herself out of my window, trying to be careful as to not make much noise.

Our eyes meet, as Celestia is exiting my room. I can't help but to be entranced in her crimson red eyes. She slowly cups my face with her hand, and gives me a short kiss.

One last goodbye kiss...

She traces my lilac braid with her fingers, slowly moving through the maze, that is my braid. She always loved my hair. My braid, in particular. She had thought it looked rather elegant.

Our eyes unlock as my mom bangs on my door again. "Kirigiri?" She calls out. "Yes?" I yell back. Celestia looks away from me, a soft smile spreading on her lips. "I'll never forget you." She whispers out to me softly.

"And neither will I." I whisper back sadly.


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