Shuichi's Slumber

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Shuichi's POV

I toss and turn attempting to go back to sleep. I can normally fall right back into a peaceful sleep, why not now? I softly groan and bury my head back into my the soft pillow it had been resting on before. However, my efforts were proven worthless as my mom barged into my room.

I roll my eyes at myself. So much for privacy. I look up at my mom with a questioning stare. She stares back, making things a bit awkward for me. "Uhh, did you need something?" I ask her. "Yes." She answers.
I'm about to ask her what she needs but she interrupts me.

"Come with me to The Town," she commands me. I narrow my eyes a bit. "Huh, why?" I question her.

I normally wouldn't question a command from my mother, but after the last time I went to The Town I'm a bit hesitant to go again. Besides, I'm not technically allowed to visit The Town, so why now?

I think about what happened last time I went to The Town. Kaito and I running around happily. The fireworks. The purple haired boy.

Kokichi, was it?

I wonder what he's doing right now? Probably running around causing havoc. He seems like the type of person to do that. Not saying that it was a bad trait of his though. I had to admit that I had lots of fun in the time we shared together.

Wait, why am I even thinking about him? I sigh at my behavior. I blame this on not being social enough. I barley have one friend and never really interact with anyone else besides him. (Kaito)

I remember how Kirumi had to come pick me up late at night. She hadn't told mom, had she?

No. She promised not to.

"We have some unattended business there." My mother states calmly. My eyes narrow a bit, wondering what kind of business it is.

I began to ask her another question but she cut me off. "We don't have much time, so go ahead and get ready." I nod at her, knowing that I shouldn't argue. I watch her exit my room and then jump up off my bed.

I do wonder what type of business we have to attend there though?

She couldn't know about me previously going there, so why would I have to go too? As I think of the endless possibilities that could happen, I accidentally happen to crash into the wall.

"Ah!" I croak out after I smash my face into the wall. As I mutter several curse words under my breath, I'm remind that I still need to get ready. I rub my hurting nose and drag my feet over to my dresser.

Overthinking doesn't get you anything. Except maybe a broken nose...

After I had gotten properly dressed, I took a quick glance in the mirror. I had on a black dress shirt and a pair of light blue jeans on. The shirt was somewhat messily tucked into the jeans.

I notice an unbuttoned button on my shirt and quickly fix it. I glance down towards my feet and remember to put shoes on.

"Shuichi!" I hear my mom holler for me. I take one final look at myself before yelling back to her. "Coming!"

I quickly start walking to wherever I thought my mom's voice was coming from.

As I walk down the long hallways I sigh. Why does our house have to be so big? It's not even practical at this point. We have hundreds of rooms filled with tons of enchanting things. Sure, it was all cool but there's no point to it. Most of the time I only stay locked in my own room anyway.

After walking down several more long hallways, I finally reach my mom. I quickly clear my throat as I walk into the room. "Ah, hello." She greets me as I walk into the room.

"Hey," I somewhat awkwardly greet her back. She glanced back at me for a few seconds before announcing that it was time to go. I nod at her and follow her out of the house.

As we exit the house, I glance around at my familiar surroundings. There are some rose bushes surrounding us that could easily scratch you if you got close enough.

The small flowers on these bushes gently swayed as a light wind washed over them. I shivered a bit from the unexpected wind.

That's odd, I thought today was supposed to be sunny?

I shrug to myself. Oh well. We wouldn't be staying at The Town for too long I assume.

As we near the drawbridge I look back up at my mother. I assume that she's about to signal for it to be raised. My prediction was proven correct when I saw my mom raise her hand. This was an indication for the drawbridge to be raised.

I glanced up at the man who was operating the drawbridge. He nodded at my mom and flicked a lever on.

The man up there was paid to stand there day after day doing almost absolutely nothing. Even he knew that his job was unnecessary. But for some reason we had still hired him. At least he made it easier to exit the house. If he wasn't there we would have to lower the drawbridge all by ourselves whenever we had to go out.

That man was also hired to keep watch and make sure no unknown people were allowed inside the castle. Although, this would be almost impossible seeing as they'd have to get past the closed drawbridge anyway.

"Shuichi." My mom's soft voice pulls me out of my thoughts. She tilts her head towards the drawbridge signaling for me to come after her.

After we cross the large drawbridge, I begin to walk towards one of our many cars. I had expected for my mother to follow me, but when I didn't hear any footsteps behind me I turned around and gave her a questioning stare.

I simply shook her head at me. "We're going to walk to The Town today." My questioning stare only got more confused as she spoke these words.

"Why?" I ask her in a confused manner. She stared at me for a few seconds before giving me a response. "I'll tell you when we arrive there." And at that, she began walking away from me.

I narrow my eyes as I begin chasing after her. I know that she's not going to let anything else slip so I already give up trying to ask her about it.

This whole situation seems rather odd doesn't it?

We never, and I mean never walk anywhere. We always take a car or carriage to our destination. And why would my mom ask me to accompany her to The Town?

I almost trip over my own feet as I snap out of my trance. I don't know how long I had been buried in my head, but now my mom and I were in the middle of the woods. I glance around and try to identify my surroundings, but nothing seems to be familiar to me.

"Uh, mom..?" I awkwardly try to ask her. If I'm too straightforward then it might seem like I'm questioning her authority. But there seems to be no good way to ask this question.

"Do you know where we are?"


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