Gone forever

463 15 10

Makoto's POV

We have been debating on which plan to use for hours. That is if we could piece all of the details of one of our plans together.

He stares at me, frustration in his gaze. I just sigh. "You know we can always work on it another day." I reassure him. "No. If we're serious about this, it must be done now." He answers me. "Okay." I say as I start forming out the plan in my head.

After a few more minutes, we come up with the master plan. We'd meet each other tomorrow night behind all of the watchtowers.

Of course, we'd be careful to only stick to the shadows. After we had met up, we would take the shortest route to the gates. No one knew what was beyond those gates. Maybe what lies behind those gates is the reason no one has ever come back from them. Anyway, it's a risk we're willing to take.

"It's getting late my dear." Togami tells me. I glance over at the clock. 12:35. I hadn't realized that we had stayed up this late, devising a plan.

Oh well, it would be worth it in the end. "Oh my, it is late!" I say in surprise. Togami silently curls up around me, making me blush.

I snuggle up into his chest, not knowing that this would be one of my last decent interactions with him.

He smiles and wishes me a good night. I smile and cuddle into his chest more as a response. I eventually let Togami's steady heart beat rock me to sleep.

In the morning Togami was no where to be found. "That's odd." I murmur to myself. Togami normally stayed to tell me goodbye, before he left.

He must be nervous for today. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't. I hope Togami doesn't chicken out and leave me. No. There's no way that he would do that. I scold myself for thinking that. My anxiety is just getting to me.

I sigh, and wait for the day to pass me by.

It's 12:00. It's rather late if you ask me, but Togami insisted on running away when no one would be awake. (Except for the author writing this book)

I heave a big yawn, getting up from my bed. I had taken a nap prior to our escape time, so I'd have lots of energy. The nap just made more even more tired though.

Well I should get going now. Togami wanted to meet at 12:30.

I look around my room, and decide that I should exit through the window. I slowly open my creaky window. I sort of feel like one of those teenagers, sneaking off to go meet up with a boy. Except I'm not returning.

I take a look at my gray walls, and white carpet. It's all so bland. How can my parents stand it? I know for sure I can't. I turn my head and at that moment, swear to never look back.

I stick one leg through the window, then another. There's no turning back now. I lower myself out of the window, onto the roof. I glance around, looking to see if any of the guards are watching. It appears that no one is.

I glance at the beautiful night sky, admiring its beauty. Almost as beautiful as Togami. I smile at my flirtatious thought.

I slowly begin to make my way across the roof of my house. I know a spot where the roof lowers down where I can jump off. I doubt that the jump will hurt me.

I keep creeping around on the roof, until I feel a sudden dip in the roof. That's the spot. I feel my way down to the sinking spot in the roof. Suddenly, the roof disappears all together.

I quickly snatch my hand back from the spot. I look down at the ground, it being a larger gap than I originally thought it was. I take deep breaths and try to prepare myself to jump.

Once I gather enough courage, I lower myself onto the very edge of the roof, then jump onto the ground. Thankfully, I land on my legs. I feel a bit dizzy, but other than that I'm fine.

I hear a croak, that makes me jump. I soon realize that it was just a toad. I sigh with relief, and continue walking.

I try to be as quiet as I can, but I occasionally step on a twig or two. I feel my way around a forest, using trees and the moon to guide me. If I'm correct, I should be heading towards the watchtowers.

I peer at two big buildings in the distance. I immediately recognize them as two watchtowers. I hide behind a tree, trying to be as quiet as possible. I glance over at the watchtowers, trying to distinguish the front and the back of them. I notice a small light on one side of the towers. I decide that that light was the front of the tower. I slowly make my way to the back of a tower. I glance around, trying to see anyone. I didn't, so i rushed over to the back of the tower.

There waiting was my beloved Togami. I smile a very bright smile to him, placing my hand in his. He smiles the same bright smile back at me. We just stand there in peace for a while. "Let's go now." Togami whispers to me. I hesitantly agree.

It's true that we couldn't stay here forever. Togami leads me down to a rocky path. We both follow it hand in hand, sticking to the shadows. Occasionally, we'll accidentally step on some branches or rocks, but we are doing well so far. I look over at Togami's concentrated face. We are going to make it out of here alive, and never look back.

Authors Note:
Since yesterday I hadn't updated it in a week or so I decided to go ahead and post again today. If you don't like Togami x Makoto or Celestia x Kirigiri I might make a quick chapter later to sum up what happens in those chapter about them, so you won't have to read through all of that. If I make that chapter it'll be after all of these chapters have been released. We'll be back to your regularly scheduled Oumasai soon!

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