Not The Same

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I stare out the window until we arrive at a large church. The church has white columns outside of it, welcoming you in. Although this place wasn't welcoming to me at all.

The big, white door is already open for any possible visitors. The church has a long white cross setting on the top of it. Most of the white paint coated on it has peeled away, revealing a rotting metal underneath. The roof is also coated that same white color. The building has sharp edges at the end of the roof, threatening fatal damage if you slid into one of them. I shiver at the thought of these sharp corners.

I must've not noticed it, but I was glaring at the church. My mother nudges me, as to say "Stop that!" I try my best to contain my glaring to myself, though it's hard. I absolutely dread the moment when I get to see Togami's face.

My mother yanks on my hand, and snaps me out of my trance. She quickly grabs my hand and drags me along with her. I sigh, and let myself be dragged away by my impatient mother.

As we're nearing the door, Togami's mother calls out to her. I try not to look at the other woman's face, for it is too similar to Togami's. My mother waves at my father and I, to tell us that she was going to go chat with Mrs. Togami. I watch her head off with Mrs. Togami. I wonder if they're going to talk about Togami and I? Or maybe they've already put that in the past.

I watch my dad walk over to Byakuya's father, with a half friendly, half hostile stare. I notice that I've been left alone, and start to get anxious. What if Byakuya comes over here?

I bet that'd be a disaster. I'd probably make a fool out of myself, and make him mad. I shiver at the thought of interacting with him. I might even make Fukawa mad in the process.

It is their "special day" after all. I call bullshit. They haven't known each other for that long anyway. Much less been romantically invested in each other, right?

I start considering that Byakuya was cheating on me with her this whole time, and I was too ignorant to notice. No, he was repulsed by her. So why would he get married to her? It's almost like he completely forgot his past emotions for her. No,  getting way too ahead of myself. I haven't even seen Byakuya yet, much less talked to him. (and I plan to keep it that way)

I feel a cold hand on my shoulder, and glance up at whose hand it was. My eyes widen in shock. The person standing there was none other than Byakuya. He stares at me with an emotionless gaze. Not a cold one though, but not a warm one either. His gaze was completely emotion ridden.

I stare him in shock. Why did he approach me like this? I suddenly avert my stare from him, feeling awkward. Why is he just looking at me like that? It makes me extremely uncomfortable.

"Would you like a glass?" He calmly asks. What is he playing at? This isn't like him at all. I replay his question in my head, and nod, as an answer to it.

He nonchalantly passes me a glass of punch. The drink is colored a see through light pink, with a swirl of a purple in it. There are specks of blue dotted in the drink as well. It looks extremely appetizing.

I take a sip of it, tasting a hint of mango in it. There is also a bit of fruit punch in here. I look up at Togami, whose emotionless gaze stares at me. I hear footsteps from behind me, making me turn around.

There a see a woman with elegant braids tied up in her hair. Her long purple locks flow down below her hips. She's wearing long white wedding gown, as she smiles up at Togami.

I can't help but feel a hint of jealousy rise up in me, as Toko makes her way over to Byakuya. Byakuya welcomes her with a warm, caring smile. She prances over to him, and plants a soft kiss on his lips. He returns the kiss, me standing there eyes wide. You may ask why my eyes were wide with fear and shock. The answer to this is, at that moment, I knew that this was not the old Togami.

Authors Note-

hope you enjoyed some somewhat angsty Makato in the past few chapters. i didn't update for the past few weeks because my wattpad was fucking up 😃👍🏻

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