Not Like The Others

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     The small boy that had just given me the scare of a lifetime was now smiling up at me. I sigh to myself. I should have never agreed to come to The Town with Kaito.

"Alright..." I agree to the boy's request to get ice cream. "Yay!" Kokichi says cheerfully.

I lightly smile back at him as he begins to lead me into town. People start to fade back into my sight as we get closer to more shops. I see kids running around, completely engulfed in whatever game they were playing. Some were hiding behind trees, and some were running into them. I smile a bit at their youth. (oKay mR. wIsE aNd olD ShUicHi)

Kokichi stops at what I think is an ice cream shop. "Is this it?" I question him. "Gee Shuichi, you don't even know what an ice cream parlor looks like?" "But, yeah this is it." He states matter of factly.

I examine the "Ice cream parlor." It looks like a normal cottage from the outside, besides the small open sign sticking onto the door. The house had a nice wooden porch with rocking chairs of each side of the door. The rocking chairs were a dark brown color, made out of wood I presume. The door looked pretty old and worn out. It was colored the same light brown as the cottage was. There was also a silver doorknob on the door that looked a bit discolored.

"So prince, does this place meet your expectations?" Kokichi cheekily asks me. I just roll my eyes at him. "Aww! The Prince has sass!" He says earning another eye roll from me.

Kokichi has certainly proved himself as a hard person to be around, but there is a certain charm that he has. At least he hasn't asked anything too extreme of me yet. He's only asked for ice cream so far, so I consider that pretty good.

"C'mon let's go already!" He demands impatiently. I nod back to him.

He leads me up a pair of creaky step onto the porch. The porch also creaks under our weight, making me somewhat concerned of the porch braking under our weight. Kokichi and I got to the door and he opened it slowly.

"Try to act normal when we go in there okay?" He asks me. "Of course I will." I say, somewhat offended by his comment.

We both enter the ice cream parlor, me following behind him. I see a counter on the far side of the cottage. There is a glass above the different kinds of ice cream. The glass is tinted a nice shade of mint green. A short chubby man was seated behind the counter. He has dark brown hair, and a rosy pink blush on his cheeks. The man was wearing a white button up shirt, and there was a red tie wrapped around his neck.

"Prince Shuichi!" He exclaims. "It's an honor to meet you!" I just smile back at the short guy, not really meaning it though. Something about him creeps me out.

I look back at Kokichi, who is rolling his eyes at the short guy. "Whatever creep, we just came here for some ice cream." Kokichi states in an annoyed voice. I wonder what this guy has done to Kokichi? Or maybe Kokichi is just rude to everyone he meets. "Of course!" The ice cream man says.

Kokichi rolls his eyes at the man and then asks for a cotton candy flavored scoop of ice cream. He looks over at me questioningly. I look at him confused, until I understand what he's trying to tell me. He's asking me if I want any ice cream. Hmm, what should I say? I look down at the flavors, and choose a random one.

"Uhh... Can I have blueberry?" I ask the man. "Of course, your highness." He responds flatteringly. To be honest, he really creeps me out.

I just hope that I can leave soon...

The weird guy pulls out a pink ice cream scooper, and scoops out our ice cream. After the man has scooped out our ice cream he plops the scoops down on two separate cones. He hands us the two ice cream cones and I pay. 

Kokichi leads me outside of the building and takes me to a bench, by the sidewalk. I look at him, while we sit in silence. "So, why did you come here anyway?" Kokichi asks me. I pause before answering him,"My friend wanted to come here, so I came with him." "That purple haired asshole?" He asks me, a bit annoyed. "He's really not that bad after you get to know him!" I argue back. "Whatever." He says. "You're not the one who's back is going to be sore as hell tomorrow." "Sorry..." I mutter.

I get caught off surprise as I notice Kokichi leaning over to lick my ice cream. "Hey don't do that!" I tell him. He looks up at me, with a confused look on his face. "Huh, why not?" He questions me. "It's unsanitary!" I tell him. (Germaphobe Saihara over here)

Kokichi looks up at me with a annoyed expression. "I'm sorry you don't do this where you live." He continues to take a lick of my ice cream.

We live in the same Kingdom...

He smiles at me, with a cheeky expression, plastered all over his face. I sigh and continue eating my ice cream. "That's like an indirect kiss you know?" He asks me. My face immediately flushes red. "Don't make it weird!" I exclaim at him.

He only laughs in response.

"Y'know, you're not like them." Kokichi says to me. "Like who..?" I ask him, already having an idea of who in my mind. "Like the other Royals," He states matter of factly. "Oh, well thanks." I thank him.

I'm somewhat surprised that he said this, considering that he was been acting pretty outlandish to me this whole time.

For some reason, the compliment that Kokichi gave me made me feel warm inside. But that was just like any other compliment, right? Actually, I think it's been the first time that I've gotten a compliment from someone like Kokichi. 

Yeah, that's why I have this feeling...

-Author's Note-

Oh shit, It'ssssss love. 

Sorry if any of my chapter's paragraph lengths are fucked up. I'm writing most of this story on a laptop. 

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