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I follow Kokichi out of the picture booth, while trying not to be even more flustered than I already am. I can tell that he is heading back to the bench we were just seated at. The sun was just starting to set, and it looked quite nice. Kokichi and I sit down on the bench. Well, I'm sitting down on the bench. Kokichi is really sitting more on top of the bench.

"You know, I've really always liked this place." Kokichi starts. "Huh? The Town?" I question him. "Nah, just this place." He gestures to the bench, and what's around it.

I'll have to admit that there was a very beautiful sunset in the sky. It was a mix of blue, that faded into a light pink, that transformed into dark orange, and the orange eventually became a dark red. It's hard to imagine that there is something this pretty in the world. (Besides kOkichi)

I nod at the purple haired boy. This was quite a relaxing place to sit at. "Oh!" Kokichi exclaims.
I look at him questioningly. "Let's split the pictures!" He says excitedly. "Oh, you can keep them all if you want." I tell him.

I remember him telling me that he wanted to show his friends the pictures we took, or something like that. I honestly don't like pictures of myself. Besides the fact that I dislike how I look, I find it rather odd to keep pictures of yourself around.

Strangely enough, I found myself somewhat wanting to keep the pictures we had taken together. Maybe it's just because I thought I looked rather nice today. Though I never think I look nice, especially today. I could be the fact that this is a picture of me and my friend. Wait, Kokichi and I aren't even friends. Are we? I find myself oddly wanting to be his friend and hang around him more. I know that this sounds odd since we just met, but there was a certain charm about this boy that was pulling me in.

"No, I want you to have some of the pictures as well." Kokichi informs me. "Besides, you did pay for them all." Kokichi chuckles. "If you say so." I say as I agree to Kokichi's wishes.

He smiles back at me, then looks down at all of the pictures. I'd say that there were about ten of them. The pictures looked rather fancy for only costing ten dollars. They were printed on a small white piece of designing paper. The edges of each picture were outlined in a grayish lace. The pictures were outlined with a light pink color. It was a rather girly design, but it's not like I minded. Besides, these pictures were designed by a girl.

"So, which ones do you want?" I ask Kokichi. "Hmm, it doesn't really matter to me." He tells me. "But I do know one that I want you to keep!" He continues.
"And which one is that?" I ask him.

"This one!" He happily says, as he pulls out a picture from the pile of them. I take a look at the picture, my whole face turning red. It was the last picture that we had taken together. More frankly, the picture that he had kissed my cheek in. Why in the world would he want me to keep this one? To be fair, I have no clue why he would want it.

"What? Why this one?" I ask, trying to calm my blush down.

I'm not sure why I'm blushing in the first place though. It's probably just because Kokichi did something as embarrassing as that. That had to be all it was. I was easily embarrassed anyway, so that had to be what it was I decide.

"Dunno, I just had a feeling that you'd like it!" He responds to me, with a cheeky smile on his face.

All that statement did was make my cheeks heat up even more. Why was this boy making me so embarrassed?

"Oh, okay," I say trying not to stammer out the words.

Kokichi and I then spilt up the remaining pictures, him choosing who gets what picture. As Kokichi grabs the last picture I notice that it's getting rather dark outside.

"Hey Ouma?" I ask him. "Yes, Shumai?" He answers. I try not to get embarrassed and ask him my question. "How long does this festival go on for?" I ask him.

I wasn't concerned about getting home on time, since my parents wouldn't be home tonight, and they were on a business trip. I just thought that it would be nice to get to relax soon.

"I noticed that it was getting quite dark." I explain to him.

He looks up at the sky, noticing the sunset was replaced with a dark sky, with many stars twinkling in it. I could see the moon beginning to appear as well.

Kokichi suddenly grabs me by the hand. "H-huh?" I stammer.

I really didn't want to be dragged away by Kokichi, another time today.

Sorry I have an updated in about a week or two I've been procrastinating. Hope you enjoy this chapter!✨🌈

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