The Vision

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     It's been a week since Celestia had written me her letter. My mind had been thinking about her letter non-stop barely allowing me anytime to sleep.

I stare at the stone laying beside me. This is what she wants, right? I slowly bring my hand closer to the stone.

I've never touched one of Celestia's stones before, because she told me they were dangerous. I wonder what happened to their supposed danger? Maybe they still are dangerous. But I bet this is the only way she can show me.

I close my eyes, as I've seen Celestia do so many times. I continue to then rub the rock in the palm of my hand. I trace the outline of the rock with my right index finger.

I then wait for something to happen. I'm sure this is how Celestia does it, so why is nothing happening to me? I search my mind for answers when I remember Celestia talking about a state of peace. Maybe I have to be more at ease.

I relax my face, and let my shoulders droop. I close my eyes slowly. I hope this works, because after this I don't have anymore ideas to try. I can feel my consciousness slowly fading away, with all of my thoughts. All of my questions for Celestia, completely gone. Any worry or fear I had from before has disappeared by now. I feel as if I'm falling asleep, and wonder if this is how Celestia normally feels when she does this?

I am able to tune everything else out by now and I'm just left with my thoughts. How long does it take for these stones to activate anyway? I guess I'll just have to figure that out.

I picture Celestia's perfect face in my mind to make time pass faster. Oh, how I wish it didn't have to be this way. I'm sure after what I'm about to see, I'll regret even thinking about leaving. But then again, Is it really so bad to wish to be free from the shackles that hold me down? The barriers that block me from living my own life? I don't think so.

No, I'm getting too worked up about this. If I start losing my state of peace then I'll never get to witness what Celestia wished to show me. This is something that I have to know. I must know why we are destined to be apart.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight, my eyebrows slightly angling down.

A state of peace...

As the young girl was never truly at peace, it was hard for her to do this. Her mind was always processing some complicated equation.

I had thoughts of nothing particular in mind.

The whole world fading away, ever so slowly...

My mind was accompanied by the sweet sound of chirping birds and a wonderful flower garden. It was all so swell until I realized my location.

Nothing seemed sweet anymore. Not even the sight of Celestia or blooming roses could fix this.

I take a deep breath in.

C'mon Celestia, help me uncover this mystery...

What I saw in front of me was the gate that kept everyone in this town trapped. The gate that had kept me inside of this hell hole for so long.

Not even the master detective could solve this mystery without a clue.

Now all to find out is why we're being held hostage in this kingdom.

No, don't be so naive. I scold myself. I'm sure after I uncover the answer to this mystery many other questions will start springing up in my head.

I take another glance at the gate. I have never seen it this up close, so I decide to inspect it closely.

It's a large black gate, with sharps spikes sticking out  of it. I imagine if you touch them they'll cut you to pieces. Even if you wanted to climb over it, you couldn't. It is far too tall, and the spikes would stop you.

There's a huge lock around the exit of the gate. This is what keeps people from leaving. If only I could manage to get my hands on its key.

If a key for this lock even exists, that is.

I snatch a glance at my surroundings, jumping in surprise. The beautiful garden that I had just seen was now full of dead and decaying flowers. I decide that this must be a bad omen. The sky was now covered by a huge cloud of mist.

I must admit that being here did give me a bit of the creeps. But now isn't the time to be scared, I remind myself. Celestia sent me those stones for a reason, and I need to get down to the bottom of this mystery.

I turn back towards the gate, now determined to find a way in. To my surprise, the gate was wide open. Who had opened the gate? There isn't anyone else here, is there? I snap my head around, in search of the mystery person who had opened the gate. As much as I searched, I found no one.

Perhaps Celestia has the power to control what I see. This makes me wonder if what I'm seeing is entirely fake, just to convince me that what I had been thinking was a bad idea.

No, she wouldn't do that.

I decide that Celestia opened the gate for me and prepare to enter the mysterious gate, and leave the kingdom behind. Besides, wondering about who opened this gate won't help me right now.

I take a deep breath and step into the gate, and almost immediately regret it.

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