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Where are we going?" I ask the boy, as he leads me away from the bench. "We're going to the firework show!" Kokichi exclaims happily.

"What's that?" I ask him confused. He just shakes his head and continues to drag me to this so called "firework show."

I sigh to myself and allow myself to be dragged away by the smaller boy.

I suppose that I'll see for myself once we get there. Whatever this "firework show" is, it seems quite exciting. At least it was to Kokichi. It probably only happens at nighttime.

Could it be some kind of parade? Maybe it's a performance by dancers. Or maybe it's a magician performing tricks, for everyone to enjoy. It could be a singer, singing all of our cares away. Or-

My thoughts were cut short as Kokichi informs we that we have arrived at the firework show.

"Can you explain what this is now?" I ask him. "You'll just have to see for yourself!" He tells me happily.

I just give him an annoyed glance, and turned away from him to examine my surroundings. It is very dark, so I can't see much. There appears to be no trees surrounding us. I can make out a wooden plank sitting on the ground a few miles away. I wonder why that's there?

"It's about to start!" Kokichi excitedly says to me. "Uh, okay." I respond, not sure what to expect.

Someone with a lighter walks up to the wooden plank. Is he going to set the place on fire? What in the world is he doing?

Kokichi and I sit down on two folding chairs. They weren't very comfy, but Kokichi insisted on sitting there.

"Cmon Shumai, once you watch the show you'll completely forget about the seats!" "Okay," I agree.

They're just chairs anyway, and I don't want to seem like a snob. I shouldn't be complaining about the chairs.

I watch the person by the wooden plank put down a rectangular object. The rectangular object looked to be a light yellow. There was a small stick sticking up from the top of the box. The man turns the lighter on, flames emerging from the top of it. He walks over to the wooden plank and bends down next to it. Then, he sets fire to the small stick on top of the box. What happens next surprises me.

Suddenly small sparks start spewing out of the box, making small popping sounds. I jump back and cling onto Kokichi. What's happening? Is this what the fireworks show is?

Kokichi starts laughing at my scared behavior. "Aww, is Shumai scared?"' He asks me, throwing a laughing fit. "It's not funny!" I almost shout at the smaller boy. He just laughs at me some more.

"How was I supposed to know that this would happen?" I try and defend myself. "Wait. You've seriously never been to a firework show?"

I shake my head and then say no, considering that he might not be able to see me.

I realize that I was still gripping the other boys clothes for my life. "Sorry!" I murmur as I let go of him, embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it Shumai, it was cute!" He tells me.

My face flushes a dark red color. Cute?

"You can always do that again if you get scared!" He teases me.

I just look away, too embarrassed to say anything else. Kokichi looks away back to the fireworks. I can't help but think that the purple haired boy looked quite charming at this time of night. I quickly whisk that thought away, trying to forget that I had ever thought that.

His violet eyes look rather enchanting as well. Such a pretty color. I could very easily get lost in them, such as I'm doing now. Suddenly Kokichi's eyes meet mine. I look away extremely embarrassed that I had been staring at him. I'm sure that my face was as red as hell.

"Geez Shumai, I didn't know that you had fallen in love with me already." He informs me.

"W-what, no!" I stammer. "Mhm..." He murmurs tiredly.

Then, he yawns cutely. What? I didn't just think that.  Man, I wonder what's gotten into me today? It's just because I'm a bit tired today, I reassure myself.

Kokichi and I keep watching the firework show, me occasionally jumping, and Kokichi staring at me with delight. Kokichi and I both stare up into the night sky, watching a huge firework explode. It was a mix of blue, green, yellow, and white. I can't believe that I've never been to a firework show before.

"It's beautiful..." I state. "What is?" Kokichi asks me. "The firework." I tell him.

"Oh, I thought you might have been talking about something else." He says slyly smiling at me, while pointing to himself.

I just smile back at him, already used to his constant teasing.

A few more fireworks go off, before I notice a new presence on my shoulder. I look over to see what it is, and I see that Kokichi is laying his head on my shoulder. My face immediately turns red, but I let him keep his head there. That's what a good friend would do, right?

I watch more of the fireworks go off in the air, trying to distract myself from the boy on my shoulder. After a few more of them go off, I look back at Kokichi. He appears to be asleep. I smile at his peaceful sleeping face. He looks even more beautiful when he's sleeping. But not in that way! I assure myself that I do not have any feeling for this boy, I just think he looks rather nice. WAIT NO STOP THINKING THAT! (G a y p a n i c)

I look back at the fireworks, blush still showing on my cheeks. Ugh, why do I feel like this? My heart is beating so fast, I might be having a heart attack!

I just keep staring at the fireworks, engulfed in my thoughts until the show ends. I'd say that it was around 11:30 now. I look back at Kokichi, whose staring back at me.

I jump in surprise. "Kokichi?" I ask him, surprised he was awake. "Yes, Shumai?" He says. "How long were you awake?" I ask him. "The whole time!" He announces.

"Huh?" I ask him very surprised. "Yup!" He tells me. "What? Why?" I say quickly. "You look so cute when you're blushing!" He says charmingly.

"W-what?" I stammer. "Nishishi! You heard me!"

Strangely enough, I found some part of my wanting those words to actually mean something.

A Path To Freedom [Oumasai]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora