Chapter 5

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Exhausting fun thing

YoungK woke up early to prepare a breakfast, and do the cleaning too, before starting to cook. When he was at the living room cleaning, he heard the gate being opened by someone, that alert him, and hide on the back of door.

As soon as the door swing open, he quickly step out pointing the vacuum on latter, and loudly say, "What ever is your plan for going here, better back off and never thought of entering before I rip your soul, apart from your body!" That made the latter squirmed, at the same time panicking, while clutching their chest.

Who on earth would do that thing to them, at this early in the morning, when the sun didn't even yet rise.

"Hold up kid, we're the one who should ask you that. What are you doing here?! Is this even your house? Do you even have the permission of holding that vacuum?" She bombarded YoungK, which made him swallow the lump on his throat.

"Uh, actually yas! Because, Seongcha gave us!"

"Ms. Park, did that?"

"I don't know? We're together why do you think I'll know."

"Shh~ shut up you two. Okay let's say that, the young lady gave you, but how? And us? You mean you're not alone? She didn't even mention that there's already replacing our position in this house.." The worry can be clearly heard at her tone.

"You misunderstood it, eommonie(mother). We're not replacing you. You might be that, eommonie Jang she have mentioned yesterday to us, but we're seriously here to protect her, that's what she said, which we wholeheartedly agreed. I'm just bored. I was about to cook, but saw that, it's too early that's why, I'm here! I clean instead." He told them.

"Just make sure, you're telling the truth. And, right! I'm Jang, these are my daughters. This is Jiyoung and this is Jooha." Jiyoung and Jooha is an identical twin but, Jiyoung has mole, on the top of the corner of her lips. The both of them has the same, long black-haired, small eyes, small pretty nose, thin lips and not-so-thick eyebrows.

"I'm YoungK!" He introduced, with light bow at them, plastering his smile. That made them smile as well. He step aside and let them enter the house warmly. As the time goes on, the sun also started to peek at the back of the mountain, that will surely rise and shine, in the morning till the dusk came. 

Jang and her two daughter, finished cleaning, while YoungK also finished trimming the plants on Seongcha's garden, and water them. He go to kitchen and saw them leaving, he called them and said, "Eommonie Jang, I bet you guys stay for a little while, I will cook for breakfast now, just eat here with us. It would be more fun!"

Jang was kind of hesitant accepting his offer, but since YoungK insist, they go back inside and went to kitchen. They're watching YoungK put the apron on, put out the ingredients, prepare the utensils he needed and do the procedure of cooking.

"Are you some kind of chef, ajussi(Old man in korean)?" Jiyoung asked softly, which made YoungK snort hearing the word 'ajussi', do he look like that old? "No, I'm not. But you can call me YoungK-nim if you want."

"Pfft. Why did you call him ajussi? He surely not married yet." Jooha retorted, with her remarkable grin.

"Oh sorry, YoungK-nim!" Jiyoung bowed her head.
"It's not a big deal." YoungK chuckled, continuing his thing as he finished cooking a simple breakfast. He cooked scrambled egg, bacon, fried rice with mixed; sliced hotdog, carrots, ham, peas  and add some egg.

"Here it is!" He said while placing the bowl of fried rice on the table, the twin volunteer to help putting the plate, and other utensils on the table. YoungK excused himself and call the others on their rooms, he went first to Sungjin, Jae, Wonpil and Dowoon and lastly Seongcha.

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