Chapter 15

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Brutal crime

After the meeting of Jae and YoungK with Victon, Stray Kids go back inside and asked about their meetings, that Jae and YoungK truthfully tell to them. They continued their job, finishing their tasks as another call in telephone was heard. Hyunjin went to answer it, few moments after the call, he gathered his team mates to inform them what he have heard.

"It's a call from Victon. Sejun hyung said, there's two new cases; one for accident and the other one was murder. He'll send us the location any time." The rest nod as understanding, preparing themselves to do their mission. Chan's phone buzzed. He got it inside his pocket and saw a message from Victon.

He looked up at them and said, "I got the address now," He put the phone back to his pocket, "He said the police is still crowding there, at murder scene location, let's go to accident first."

"We'll go with you guys." Jae announced and they stood up, collecting the things they needed. And soon they went to their different van and scurried to the crime scene. It wasn't far, so they arrived for just only 21 minutes and found some police officers, including Hanse, Subin and Chan.

"Sorry but, you're not allowed here young boys." One of the police warned them, thankfully Chan came to rescue them. "It's okay, they are our friends that is soon detectives, they're here to start their training if you won't mind." He assured the policeman and let them enter the scene.

The car was in the sidewalk crushing the wall. Jae and YoungK approach the car. "Excuse me, sir.. Can we look inside?" YoungK asked. The policeman frown seeing them.

"Sorry but-" Jae cut him. "We'll just do our job as soon detective if you sir will allow us." Jae stated calmly, staying on his composure. It took a few minutes for the police to think, but ended up allowing them.

"Yeah sure, but make sure.. Everything you got here won't reach the media." YoungK and Jae was surprised to hear his statement. Who would not allow media to hear what kind of crime happened on that place, when it should be a warn for people to take care more while driving.


"Because we observed, every time the crimes was out of medias, there's another crime again for just about an hour." The policeman told them carefully.

"You can trust us, we won't." YoungK gave a policeman a reassuring smile before proceeding. When they reach the car Jae peek at the window, causing for him to gasps at what he have seen, while YoungK is inspecting the whole car's situation.

"YoungK! YoungK!" He called in a whisper-shout tone. YoungK rushed on him, asking him, "What's wrong?!" Jae pointed the window and asked him to peek inside, which he did right away. Getting a glimpse inside, YoungK almost stumbled on his feet.

"What the hell is that?" YoungK asked with wide-eyes. Jae take a breath before looking around and face YoungK again. "His face is really a mess, the glass is broken, and when you look at it clearly, it looks like his face bumped onto it harshly for at least more than five times." He stopped pressing his lips together before continuing.

"And.." He lowered his voice, but he's sure the other young boys can hear it due to their werewolves hearing. "His seat belt is fine, it's not unbuckled." YoungK peeked again inside to see if he's stating it right, and gesture him to continue. "Even if you got hit, your face won't be like that... Except if someone.. did.. It."

"They are stupid.." Was all YoungK could say. And soon Hanse came with Victon's Chan, Stray Kids' Chan, Changbin, Subin, Hyunjin and Seungmin. "Where's the other?"

"They went to murder's crime scene, to take a note about the scene and some picture." Seungmin informed, he went off to the car and take some shots of the car.

"I suggest, get some finger prints on his seat belt, his hair and even the steering wheel." YoungK stated blankly, mind off to something. "Can you open it?" He asked Hanse who nodded, he wore his gloves and open the car. "Seungmin! Take some details inside." Seungmin obediently followed YoungK.

He captured the broken glass, the back seat, passengers seat and even he wanted to puke he took some shot of victim's pitiful face and body in many angles. He motioned Hanse to close the door, because even them can't endure the sight of victim.

"We'll take your suggestion hyung." Subin assured with his serious face. "I can smell the same scent." He added. Chan frown along with Seungmin, Hyunjin and Changbin. 

"We can't, sorry." They apologetically told them which they understand very-well, and told Stray Kids to not worry.

"It's so disgusting." Jae shake his head, as the sight of victim kept on appearing his mind. "By the way, how long is it already?"

"When we're on our way through district, we got a called about these so it's not yet that long, maybe more than one hour. We're just waiting for ambulance because hospital is very far from here." Hanse answered.

"The other one, how about it?" YoungK asked curiously, tapping his feet many times on the ground. He's frustrated for not being able to see what happened before the, accident? no it's a crime, he's sure about it.

Chan looked at YoungK and sighed. "The incident was reported at the same time, by passer by on the place." His respond. Everyone now is thinking deeply, on what should they do, to found the culprit/s behind all of the terrible things they have encountered.

"Let's find some traces here." Changbin told them and they started to walk around the car finding something they don't know. It was a quiet searching when Hyunjin cut it.

"Guys... Shouldn't the car were in this wall? I mean, look!" Hyunjin pointed the wall. "It's all most crushed, but the car is bit farther from the wall and.. it doesn't even have any damage." He shrugged thinking deeply again.

"You're right!" YoungK exclaimed and they started to gather around Hyunjin.

"But to be honest, victim's face is much crushed than that wall." Seungmin pointed out, lifting his shoulders as a shrug on his own statement, and received a disgusted look. "What? I'm just stating a fact."

"Yes you are, but you don't have to remind that to us." Chan retorted, shaking his head in disbelief.

"They might look like some stupid shits, but they're still good at hiding themselves, like keeping their identity..." Jae mumbled letting out a huge defeated sigh. Hanse patted his back giving him a weak smile. 

"We'll found them soon."

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