Chapter 6

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New Things

The dinner ends, with their full tummy and ready to leave. Seongcha paid for their bill, while the rest were already at the car. It was a quiet, calming ride through their home, that even made others sleep, except for Jae and Sungjin.

The peaceful sleep of boys was interrupted, when they arrived at their house, where Jae start to wake them up. They groan in annoyance, and didn't even mind to open their eyes, instead, they hugged each other.

Jae released a huge air and start pulling them apart, leaving him with no choice. "If the three of you won't get out, I'll lock this car and wait for all of you to suffocate inside." YoungK quickly sat and shake Dowoon and Wonpil.

"You two, come on, let's get out now, before hyung do what he have said." They have no other choice, other than to leave, so they forcefully and lazily dragged their feet's down to the ground, and walk like a zombie inside.

"How I wish, I could do that too.." Jae sighed as he follow them behind. Since he was the last to enter, he went to gate first to lock it same at the kitchen's door and main door. Now that everything is closed, including the curtains, he enter his room and tried to sleep.

But it seems like, his mind not letting him. He keeps on rolling on his bed, but nothing seemed to happen, he's still awake. So he decided to go down at the kitchen, drink a glass of water. When he was about to leave, he heard crunching sound at the back of their house.

He tiptoed at the window, to see who or what is it. He can't take a nice sight, so he stopped the time and go outside to hide at the back of three, after finding a nice spot, he start the time again. There, he found a well covered boy, sneaking at the back.

He silently watch him, peeking inside the house, as the covered guy say something, that's for sure on his earpiece. Jae didn't even nudge on his track, and just watch the guy left.

THE SUN rises, the same as the boys got up on their bed. Taking a bath, wearing comfortable clothes and go down stairs, the same cycle every morning, that leads them to their new tomorrow.

As usual, YoungK was the one to made their breakfast, and just wait for others to come down. It was a calming quiet atmosphere around the boys and Seongcha. Eating peacefully, as their tummy got a happy breakfast, regaining their strength from sleeping for an hours.

"I'll go change for a while guys, wait for me outside." Seongcha told them and went to her room, leaving the guys behind.

Jae let out a sigh and speak. "Guys.. I saw someone lurking at the back near at kitchen!" He said quiet-loud enough for only the five of them to hear. The rest tilted their head, giving him questioning look as he continued to explain.

"I can't sleep last night and went to kitchen to drink glass of water then after I heard a crunching sound that sure from the dry leaves so what I did I stopped the time and that's when I went out to the back and find a nice spot to spy who or whatever it is and when I unfreeze the time I saw someone peeking inside I can't see the face but I'm sure it's a boy that is so covered I can't hear him well when he said something to I don't know to whom the only thing I heard was '..I'm already inside the house, and no one is here..' the rest I didn't hear anymore." Jae nonstop told them and as fast as he can, so Seongcha won't hear it. They remain silent as they analyze what their elder told them.

"What's up guys? Why are you all quiet?" Seongcha asked and went inside the car same as the others. "Nothing." YoungK shortly answered as Seongcha started the engine and drove off.

THEIR PRACTICE went well, for a good improvement, YoungK, Jae and Sungjin are now good at driving a car, and not for two youngest, whose having a small difficulties but sure gonna learn it soon.

Like the day before, they went to restaurant to eat their dinner and go home after. When they were all at the living room, Seongcha told them to stay still as she waited for someone to came and later on, the door bell rang.

She went to meet whoever it is, and came back with some different bag of different stuffs as well. There's two guy following her carrying the other bags and a lady that carry the same, the two guy left and the lady remained talking to Seongcha.

The lady bowed to Seongcha and boys, as she turn her heels outside, leaving the rest. Seongcha picked a bag and grabbed something inside. "Guys, you see this?" She raised the small box, and they nod in response. "I'm sure you guys are familiar with it." She distribute it to them one by one.

"It's phone? I have this!" Said Sungjin.

"Yeah it is!" She agrees with a smile.

"But some of us, don't know how to use this.." Dowoon stated solemnly.

Seongcha smiled. "I will teach you guys. Before that, tomorrow I'm gonna show you other things too, and teach you guys others stuffs. So better take enough sleep tonight. Also I'm going to train all of you, to work at my company soon, if you guys are already exposed to modern things."

She started to explain to them about how to use phone, Sungjin also help. She also gave them a sim card and told them the use of it, same on the different apps on their phone. Because of excitement and eagerness of them, they've already got to use of it, and learn the mechanics.

"And those are clothes." She point the different bags on her back. "My friend, Rae helps me with that." She told them.

"Wait, you didn't even know our sizes and also, you never left us." Wonpil said out of curiosity, as he furrowed his brows at her.

"Ah, yeah! I called her last night, and just asks her to just watch and study you guys, back at field, where we did our practice. She's good at it, even without measuring the body of someone, she can already guess it." Seongcha explained to them, giving them a reassuring smile. "Also, I gave her your names, so yeah she knows you all now. Remember the break time? That's the time I told her, so she can pick a right clothes." The boys just nodded and start rummaging the bags to look for their names.

"How about are old clothes?" YoungK asked.

"We'll throw it!"

"Now we'll change for the better." Jae mutter and rose from the couch, leading his way to the left bags on the floor. "Yeah, these kids!" He hissed, seeing his bag of clothes scattered, after the rest of the guys dashed through their rooms.

Seongcha help Jae to pick his things and chuckled. "You guys are so adorable." She told Jae with a giggle.

"Pfft. By the way, thank you for everything." Jae warmly smiled at her while thanking her.

"No problem, and also.. I just want to do something, that I've never done to someone before." Her voice became quiet as she stared at the ground.

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