Chapter 21

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As the dawn came, indicating for another day for the young mans to start with, they all prepare themselves with their casual office outfit. Today is the ribbon cutting for their opening. After one week, they finally had enough employees to start their job.

They bid their goodbyes with Seongcha who waved her hands on them, when they were already out of sight Seongcha let out a huge sigh, and enter the house. She walk towards the small calendar that is on the top of drawer in the living room.

She grabbed it and trace the number written in the calendar, with full Moon printing above the number. "Today is full moon.. with them, this would be more hard for me than before—I hope you guys will go home here bit late, or tired enough to sleep right away after eating dinner." She desperately muttered and went upstairs to her room.

Soon when Day6 finally arrived, the people that crowding the way towards entrance, moved aside giving way for them. Holding their cameras tight, taking a lot of shot, as many as they can. Camera's flash and shuttering sound all over the place.

When Jae, YoungK, Sungjin, Wonpil and Dowoon reached the front, where the ribbon is, they were accompanied by one of the employee and give them the scissor they will use for cutting the ribbon. Han and Hyunjin on their side, holding a mic.

"Settle down everyone, the event is starting." Han told them, the noise lowered so Hyunjin took the opportunity to speak. He cleared his throat, opening his mouth to talk. "I see that everyone here is excited, same goes to us.. as you see, there is five man standing in front of you, sure you guys now know that, they are the owner of this, newly established company." He stopped and gesture Han to continue.

"You'll know them soon, after this Day6 Private Investigator Company opening.." He smiled at them and signal the eldest.

Sungjin took a deep breath, feeling nervous to speak. "Hello, everyone! So we are Day6 your soon companion on looking for peace and justice around our country. We're hoping for everyone's support here.. can we look forward for it?" The surrounding was filled with loud cheers, that made them feel at ease.

Jae and YoungK on the right side of ribbon, Wonpil and Dowoon at the left side, while Sungjin at middle of them. They came up with idea of; Sungjin cutting the ribbon, since he's their leader and more capable of leading things. Right after he successfully cut the ribbon in trembling state, the shuttering and flash of cameras started again.

Seongcha, Rae and Da Ha also came to support and followed them inside. Congratulating them endlessly. "I'm so proud of you, my one and only lovely brother of all time~" Da Ha dramatically said, while cupping Dowoon's cheeks. Dowoon grew more shy at the action of his sister, and looked away from his hyungs.

"Dada, you're making your brother uncomfortable!" Rae informed her, which made her pout. She misses doing it with Dowoon, she just missed him so much. 

"Okay." Da Ha let go of Dowoon's cheeks and moved closer to Seongcha while sulking.

"He grow up a lot." Seongcha pat her back giving him a reassuring smile. "Good luck everyone ~" Seongcha told them and soon leaved with Rae and Da Ha. They still need to work too.

"Hyung, ONEUS is here." Seungmin told them, and let ONEUS enter their office. "Thank you, Seungmin." YoungK said and Seungmin bowed leaving them.

"What is it boss?" A deep voice guy asked. YoungK shook his head. "Sir is enough." He told them and they start introducing themselves to them. When they got to know each other, YoungK proceed to tell them the reason why he called them.

"Wonpil give them the files." Wonpil gave a quick nod, and do what YoungK told him to do.  "That files are information about Hyeobin Jung, he's well-known as the owner of Perfume company. He's also well-known called as Jung, I want you guys to spy on them." That sudden confession of YoungK about why he called them, made them gasped, even his brothers.

"Why sir?" Their leader, Ravn asked.

"He's a syndicate and we need a big proof and evidence that he really is a syndicate, we need evidence to convict him.. I need you guys to work on him as a spy, can you do it? If not—"

"No sir we can!"

"Great Keonhee! I like your fighting spirit." YoungK smiled at him. "Anything you guys want to ask or something?" YoungK tilts his head and wait for response.

"Nothing sir, but.. I mean, if ever we already started to work on Jung, will we come back here?" The youngest asked.

"I think Xion-ssi... Yes but, if you guys already started to work on Jung.. Just stay in your house, so Jung won't suspect your team, but you really need to work with them, is that clear? Anyway, you guys will receive your salary on your own bank account." They nod and bowed at them then leave the place.

"Hyung, isn't that too much for them?" Dowoon asked, concerned for ONEUS knowing, they need to face Hyeobin oftentimes.

"Yeah, YoungK. Hyeobin is a dangerous man just like his half-brother Seunghee." Jae stated. YoungK just smiled at their respond. He know what he's doing, especially sending ONEUS to Hyeobin.

He knew that Hyeobin is really dangerous, he know him well, because of the flashbacks. But he knew ONEUS too, he won't just let them do that stuff, if he know it's dangerous for them.

"Guys, no need to worry about.. they're just like us, but we're just really above them. Theirs are just behind but, they are still strong trust me." He told them, and that made them confused on what YoungK is talking about.

"What do you mean, YoungK hyung?" Asked Wonpil.

"Keonhee can read mind too, Leedo is really strong, Ravn can set a fire, Hwanwoong can control the water, Seoho can also control the wind and Xion, he can make someone starve to death. They have power too." He explained to them which made their mouths turns to 'o' as they let the words sink in through their minds.

"So before Hyeobin and his men can ever harm them, they will meet hell first." He assured them and that made them sigh in relief, it's a satisfying statement they heard today. 

DURING dinner everyone toast their glass of wine and drank it together, as celebration for their opening. It was quite tiring for Day6 since they were bombarded of many different questions by the media, and soon they were featured at different tv news channel. That alarmed many filthy people.

Then at the house, Seongcha throw a small party for them, together with Stray Kids, Rae and Da Ha. It's already pretty late so the rest including Da Ha, decided to leaved.

"I'm so tired right now, I think I'll sleep now." Sungjin told them, he went upstairs as he lazily dragged himself through his room. Jae, Dowoon and Wonpil did the same, leaving Seongcha and YoungK on this quiet awkward atmosphere.

"Aren't you sleeping yet, YoungK-nim?" YoungK just frown, he looked up at Seongcha whose standing across him at the table and lean to his seat, crossing his arms. "And why are you excited for me to leave? Hmm?" Seongcha was taken aback, until she was speechless.

She looked away looking for right word to say. But YoungK interrupted her thought. "Don't you lie on me, I can read your mind." Seongcha bit her lower lips, finding it hard to lie, but she managed it.

"It's because, I'll clean the kitchen now and closed the doors, curtains and lights! Yeah, right that's it!' She exclaimed. YoungK arched his brow not believing her. Seongcha growled, pushing YoungK upstairs. "Go now YoungK-nim!" She pleaded that made YoungK smile and quickly turn that made Seongcha stumbled.

YoungK fell on his back, Seongcha also fell on his top. She closed her eyes tightly. YoungK giggled seeing Seongcha on his top. "Ahem! You're safe now~" YoungK said, wiggling his eyebrows when Seongcha opened her eyes and looked at him.

Seongcha playfully slap his chest and got up. "I told you, get up now and sleep! Please~" she pleaded again this time with cuteness. YoungK chuckled and teasingly lean forward. "What if I won't?"

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