Chapter 30

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For less than 20 minutes they already arrived at the said meeting place of them. They entered inside and quickly, Dowoon spotted Jihae sitting at the end of the quiet restaurant, which only consists three people including Jihae.

"Hi hyung!" Dowoon cheekily greeted Jihae. Jihae looked up at Dowoon smiling widely, he looked at behind of Dowoon only to see they are quite many. The smile on his face suddenly changed to confused one. "Oh, they are my other hyungs. The one's that we have mentioned remember it?"

Jihae think for a second and finally recalling the nights, Dowoon and Wonpil would only topic their hyungs for being caring and loving on them. "Yeah-yeah, I remember now. Let's move to other table, because I seriously wasn't expecting them." He chuckled and rose up, for them to looked for six-seated table inside.

Jihae is still young, he has brown-eyes, pretty nose bridge, well defined face-shape and few bangs landed freely on his forehead. He's wearing a suit that made him more manly and attractive. Jihae raised his hand calling for a Waiter that listed down their orders.

"By the way, why do you guys want to see me? Oh—wait. I know you guys, so now I just prove that my instinct is right." Jihae exclaimed earning a questionable look form Dowoon and hyungs. "That, the two of you are one of those famous Investigators Company owners." He finished.

"Why didn't you ask it on noona?" Dowoon raised his eyebrows. Jihae chuckled again. "I want to, but it feels like I'm interfering her brother's personal life. Okay, let me guess.. you'll ask me a questions regarding to my complicated brothers?"

They looked at each before nodding. "Can we?" Sungjin softly asked. "Of course! Also, I wanted to say sorry to Seongcha, that I'm sure you guys can help me made her understand everything." He looked at his side, seeing the waiter they called earlier walking towards them while carrying their meals. "Before that let's eat first." He smiled at so do them.

At first they thought, Jihae would question Dowoon for bringing them but it didn't happened. They even got scared that Jihae might sent them out if ever they will ask a questions about his siblings but they're wrong, its Jihae who talk about it first. Giving them permission without asking. The nervousness and worry they felt gone right in the beginning of Jihae chuckling to them, especially after giving his sweetest smile.

After eating, Day6 began asking Jihae related to his brothers' job. "It's not Seunghee hyung who killed Jaebi it's Hyeobin hyung. He's the one and personally who killed him. I saw it with my very own eyes, I even took a picture."


"Yes! I was with Seunghee hyung that time, when I saw Hyeobin hyung passed by so I followed him. He was too focus on Jaebi's SUV that he didn't notice I'm following him. I stopped afar when he stopped. I hid my self and held my camera with me." He paused and drank his glass of water.

"Jaebi went out to his SUV he was alone that time, he went out to check what's wrong on his vehicle. When he saw Hyeobin hyung went out of his car, Jaebi is actually relieved because he thought he will help him.. but Hyeobin hyung shot him in the head. I was startled but I never make noise, I only make sure I captured everything, which gladly I did. I want to show it to public and clean the name of my other brother, Seunghee hyung. But, Hyungmin hyung didn't allow me to. He was hesitant about it."


"He said, it's still fault of Seunghee hyung why Hyeobin hyung did it, so he should take the responsibility."

"What happened? Why your hyung doesn't seem to help Seunghee? What I mean is, he's still his brother."

"It's because after everything we've done, Seunghee hyung didn't even dare to lend us even one bottle of water. Seunghee hyung thought, it's my money that I used to sent him out of the jail... but even once, he never treat me well like a brother, he only sees me as one of his man." He let out a huge sigh, turning his gaze outside the glass wall.

"How's the case of your Hyungmin hyung?"

"It's pitiful. I can't file a case because the police are after me. I can't clear my name since they always say, I'm part of bad happenings. To be honest, I and Seunghee hyung never been part of that. Seunghee hyung just asked me to torture Seongcha to let her sign on the paper but we never do awful things like killing others for nonsense reason."

Jae immediately hold YoungK's hand, sensing his blood is boiling because of what Jihae said related to Seongcha. Remembering the day he heard the hard slap Seongcha got from Jihae made him wants to punch Jihae's face.

"And also.. I don't want to get involved to anything anymore. I already cut my connection to Seunghee hyung after knowing he's one of the person who killed Hyungmin hyung along with Hyeobin hyung." He told them. Jae, YoungK, Sungjin, Wonpil and Dowoon felt sad seeing how Jihae's face became gloomy.

"We're sorry for that."

"It's okay, beside it's the only way I can accept that my family won't be back to normal life anymore." Jihae said in the tone of sadness. In his young age he already see the awful things he shouldn't be seeing. He already experienced how cruel the world is for someone like him, who only wish to have a peaceful life with his mother and brothers that sadly not given to him.

If he's given a chance to have a wish that would be granted after, he will wish to go back to the old days and try to fix things that he knew for sure will be bit difficult for him.

"Can we ask for your help? About Seongcha's father case?" YoungK asked, hoping Jihae will approve to it. The hope inside him feels life an hourglass, little by little it feels like it's becoming empty when Jihae didn't answer him. Jihae looked at him with unreadable expression which made YoungK anxious and others worry.

"Why not? It's the right thing to do so.. And also before I marry Da Ha, I want my name to be cleared at the public." His lips curved up forming a warm smile.

"You'll marry noona?" Dowoon asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, I will. I met her when I go back here from other country we became friends until to lovers." He shrugged, giggling on his thoughts. "I will proposed next month on her birthday!" He announced to them causing for them to open their mouth apart in surprised.

"We'll support you, hyung!"

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