Chapter 34

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When Day6 went to Jihae's house and live there temporarily, they informed Stray Kids that they can't attend to work yet, and even told them the reason. They plead Stray Kids to not tell to anybody about their conversation and remain silent after it, and with all of their obedience they obey them.

They also meet up with them, and even had a little bickering when they said, they are living at Jihae's house. But after some explanation and discussion that time, Stray Kids still end up believing and trusting Day6 on living alone with Jihae. They also saw each other, which surprised them.

They had a little conversation and as the day passes by, Stray Kids and Jihae are also becoming closed to each other. They often visit their hyungs for reports, and Day6 thanked Jihae with all their heart for letting them use his office for their works.

Even though they told Seongcha, they will hand the company back to her, they can't just leave it without anyone whose managing it, and by the helped of Stray Kids everything is going on its way.

"Hyung, about ONEUS. We found out that, Soyon and Ravn are dating." Seungmin told Jae, he looked at Seungmin in surprised.

"Wait—is that part of spying?" The you boys shook their heads. Lee Know sit up straight, and said. "Actually, Ravn hyung didn't know that Soyon is Jung's daughter." The rest nodded, same to Jihae.

Jihae took a sip of coffee and butted in. "Not to interfere, but I guess it's not questionable why, Ravn don't know that." The rest inside looked at him in confusion. "She's good at sugarcoating everything, just like her father. And never on her thought telling anyone, who's her father nor meeting the parents of her boyfriends. She don't want anyone to know what is their other job, beside that perfume company." He explained to them.

Their mouths gape on Jihae's statement, which made Jihae chuckle. "What's wrong?"

"They're amazing.." Dowoon exclaimed.

Chan cleared his throat. "Ah, hyung my noona is asking me about Hyeobin and about you guys." His hyungs looked at him with knitted brows, tilting their heads giving a questionable look. "I think, Ms. Seongcha is asking about it." Chan added then shrug.

"What did you answer?" Sungjin asked Chan.

"I told her, I can't tell it to her because its confidential thing. And I told her I have no idea on where you hyungs are." Chan told them.

YoungK let out a sigh. "Is Seongcha okay?" He asked, concerned earning a sarcastic laugh from Jae.

"Really, Brian? You're still asking about her, despite of what she said? Okay—I got it, you loved her so much. But can you please at least, leave her alone. Look where we are. You love her, right? And her happiness is your happiness isn't it?" Jae asked him, YoungK on the other hand remained silent as Jae continued to rant.

"She regretted that she met us. She regretted that she kept us with her. She regretted everything she did to us, because of that damn Hyeobin. Her happiness is, us to leave her alone. Have you ever saw her, running after us, when we left? No, you didn't. Because, she doesn't like us, YoungK!"

Dowoon held Jae's arm, trying to stop him. But it's not working. "Leave her, YoungK. That's her only happiness to be alone with that shit. Be happy, that she's happy without us. Without you." Jae breathed heavily and looked at Seungmin. "I want you to tell Seongcha, that the company needs someone to manage it. But still report us something. As long as, Hyeobin isn't yet caught, go to us. Understand? And better, never mention to Seongcha that we're investigating Hyeobin."

The young boys nodded their heads, and watched Jae gone on their sight. Jae before leaving, looked at YoungK, shaking his head. Sungjin patted YoungK's back and sigh. "You can give some information about Hyeobin to your noona, but not too much. Because we're sure even she'll promise, that she won't tell it to Seongcha, she will still end up telling it." Sungjin tell to Chan.

Stray Kids bid their good-bye's to their hyungs and left. Jihae also excused himself leaving the four in silent atmosphere. "Hyung, we're sorry for about what Jae hyung said." Wonpil said breaking the silence, being apologetic. YoungK looked up at him giving a faint smile and shook his head.

"He's right, tho. It's me, who personally read her thoughts loud and clear. And its all clear, everything he said is right. She's probably happy now, no one will accuse Jung anymore.

"After all, they know each other more than us who popped up, out of nowhere and suddenly invade her life. Which in fact our job to her is to find her brother and protect her, not to interfere on her relation with Hyeobin." Sungjin, Wonpil and Dowoon felt sad watching YoungK on that state. They never thought, Seongcha would thought that. They hug YoungK and try soothing his feelings.

"It's okay, hyung. We're here!" Dowoon told him. YoungK smiled and hugged them back. Jae on the corner watched them, feeling sad also. He can't control himself from getting mad, even him, himself don't want it. He don't want to be afar from, Seongcha. He don't want the thought of Seongcha happy without them.

They became attached to each other already. But is there anything they can do? None, they have to respect her decision. And that's the only thing they can do. Should they accept that, Seongcha is just part of the chapter on their lives and not till the end? It's still depend on them.

On the other part, Seongcha still the same everyday on her work. Kept on spacing out. She was in deep thought when there was a knock on door, making her go back to her senses. The door flung open, revealing a distressed Da Ha. She approach Seongcha, sharing a hug.

"Is everything okay? My brother? Is he okay? I've been contacting him, but he never answer my calls, even Wonpil and the others. What's wrong?" Da Ha bombarded Seongcha, right after she sat down on one of the chair in front. Seongcha heaved out a huge sigh, giving an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where they are." Seongcha explained to her everything." Why don't ask help on Jerome?" Seongcha said, quite nervous. She knew, Da Ha will get mad. Da Ha love Dowoon so much, and she will never let anyone hurt her brother, not even her friends. She won't let anyone abandoned her brother. She knows that they have no one to go to.

"What?! I asked Jerome already if he know, where they are and why they're not answering, but he said the same! He don't know! Seongcha! You know, they have no one! What if they're sick now?! You know how much I cherish my brother, but you let them slip away!" Da Ha cried arising from her seat.

"You should just call me when you don't want them on your house anymore!" Da Ha turn her heels with heavy heart and left Seongcha alone. Seongcha started to cry as the scenario she have with them flashback. She quickly wiped her tears, when another knock was heard.

The door swung revealing Stray Kids. "Good day Ms. Seongcha~" They greeted and enter. "Are you okay, Ms. Park?" Hyunjin asked out of concern. Seongcha just smiled and nodded. "Why are you here guys?"


"Where here, to inform. The company is slowly turning down because of lack of management, we need someone to manage it, Ms. Park." The rest of the boys, widened their eyes secretly on what Lee Know have said. Seongcha was also bit startled to hear it.

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