Chapter 7

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The past and present

"What do you mean, Seongcha?"

"Well Jae-nim, I have a brother, and I don't know where he is.. The only thing I remember is, he's with our mother. When father had a conflict between the mafia leader, mom brought my brother, and she told me to hide somewhere. She said she will bring my brother, but will left me with him, so that someone can take care of father after the tension, between the mafia leader and my father got settled." The tears on her eyes started to beam over, as she keep her head lower.

Jae pat her shoulder and hug her gently. "It's okay, you'll meet him someday. We can be your second family, and we won't leave you, we will make sure to help you find your brother, for the mean time let's be happy!" Seongcha hug him back and sigh. After pulling out from the hug they now left and separated to their room.

While Jae is arranging his clothes, a knock on door grabbed his attention. He went to his door, twisting the knob opening the door as the door revealed the sad YoungK.

"What is it? And why your face is like that?" YoungK sat on the edge of Jae's bed, and looks at him, releasing a huge sigh.

"I heard everything that Seongcha have told you, and even got to see her past.."

"Dad! I got another achievement!" An elementary school kid, Seongcha told her dad, with excitement lacing on her voice. Her dad carry Seongcha on his arm.

"Honey! Our daughter is being outstanding again!" He announced to his wife, on the kitchen and put down Seongcha. The little girl went to the table, where her brother is.

"Baby brother! Sister is here!" Whilst the busy little boy looked up at his sister. "Noona(older sister)!" He called and jumped out of his seat, running towards his sister, arms wide open.

They shared a hug as if they don't want to let go of each other anymore, that made their parents chuckle, and watch them in awe.

"I misssssss yoouuuu sooooo muchhhh!" Seongcha said in between of their embraced. "Me toooooo!" Her little brother reply.

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