Chapter 22

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"What if I won't?" Seongcha just can't hold it anymore, but she needed to. She take a step backward crossing her arms. "Then... I'll throw you up there!" She said, chin-pointing his room. YoungK pinch her cheeks and chuckle.

"You're so cute, okay I'll get up now. Good night~" He chuckled again once he saw Seongcha became speechless and getting flustered because of him. He leaned forward again and whispered, "it's okay, I'll catch you if you fall.. JUST KIDDING!" then run towards his room.

Seongcha was left dumbfounded on her track. Then suddenly YoungK's last statement struck on her mind. "Just kidding.. Just kidding... Yeah, you won't catch me if I fell on you.. especially we're so different.." She whispered sighing on her every statement.

She cleaned the kitchen using her speed ability and locked the doors, she also closed all the curtains and lights. In just one blink Seongcha was already inside her room. Balling on the ground, doing her best not to make a loud a noise.

YoungK on his room drying his hair after doing a quick bath and until now the smile on his lips is still there. He plopped his self down to his bed thinking about what happened to him and Seongcha earlier. He recalled everything he said and sat up hitting his head many times.

"Why did you say that? Why did you say 'just kidding'? ARGHHH!!" He asked to himself and snatch his hair. "Stupid! Stupid! You can just—" he stopped and got up to his feet, leaning his ears on wall.

"Oh shit!" After swearing, he rushed out of his room and ran towards Seongcha's room. He violently knocked on it three times. "Seongcha it's me! YoungK!" When he didn't hear Seongcha answer, he didn't think twice anymore and twist her door knob, luckily it's not lock. He closed the door and look for Seongch.

"Seongcha where are you?!" He looked around, but no sign of Seongcha, then suddenly he heard a whimpering sound at the other corner of room. He slowly pace towards the left side of bed and found an animal creature figure lying down.

His eyes widen and blink. "W-what is that? What are you? Where is Seongcha?!"

"I-It's me, YoungK-nim.. It's me!"

YoungK gasped and cover his mouth. He run towards the animal creature figure in front of him and stroke its fur. "Y-you're Seongcha? Are you.. Are you a werewolf? Oh dumb, obviously!" It nodded. He sat down on floor and held her werewolf figure inside his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he examine Seongcha's werewolf figure whilst stroking her head, feeling her soft fur on his arm. He worriedly face her.

"It's e-exhausting.. YoungK-nim. I'm tired." She told him through her telepathy ability. YoungK just helplessly hug Seonghca. He kisses her head. "It's okay, I won't leave you here. Are you not gonna switch into human figure anymore?" Seongcha badly wanted to laugh.

"Of course, I will.. It takes an hour sometimes before I could transform into human again. But aren't you scared?"

"Nope, why would I? Beside, you're still Seongcha." He smiled and they remained like that until her figure turned to human again. YoungK immediately look away, shutting his eyes as he removed his arms on Seongcha.

Seongcha pulled her blanket with her, quickly wrapping it around her body. She stood weakly, grabbing her clothes in her closet. After wearing a clothes, she tapped YoungK's shoulder. "You can open your eyes now." When YoungK rose up, he turned to see Seongcha and face turned to soft one.

He wiped her sweat and pulled Seongcha for a warm hug, he caresses her hair and pulled out. "Thank you~" She told him softly. YoungK shushed her and told her to take a rest. Being worried for Seongcha, he sat on her bed and pull Seongcha through his chest.

"Sleep now, I won't leave you alone here." She nodded and closed her eyes till she fell asleep in his arms that wrapped around her body. YoungK don't want to leave her, knowing she's not fine. Because he likes her— no, he loves her. He rested his head on top of her's and doze off with her, without even closing the curtain that illuminate the moonlight.

YOUNGK GROAN as another brightness from sun beamed in the window, meet his closed eyelids. He opened his eyes, using his right hand he blocked the sight of sun and adjust his vision, till he can see clearly again.

When his vision is already clear, his eyes landed on the figure beside him. He smiled at the sight of Seongcha beside him, hugging his waist. He caress her hair before planting a soft kiss on her forehead and gently removed her slender arm away him. He placed it in bed and pulled up the blanket over her shoulder and leaved quietly.

He went to his room to take a bath then headed downstairs towards kitchen. When he's already near at the dinning table, his eyes met the eyes of his two brother, not the real brother but his brother by heart. Dowoon and Wonpil. They grin at him which made him confused.

"What was that?" He innocently asked, then got on his apron. Dowoon and Wonpil remain on that look and not long after, Sungjin and Jae also went to kitchen as their usual routine.

"What's up guys why so quiet?" Jae questioned for not being used of silence when all of them are around. Sungjin eyed the first three man in the kitchen. "Something's off.. Spill it!" He squeak.

"Well, we just saw YoungK hyung got out from noona Seongcha's room.. I called her noona already, because noona Da Ha keep on smacking me." Dowoon said. Jae and Sungjin's mouth gaping from what they've heard, YoungK on the other hand choke on his saliva. Jae fast pace towards Dowoon and cover Dowoon's ears.

"My goodness YoungK! Dowoon is still young for that!" Jae said, raising his voice in disbelief.

"My goodness too, that's what you get for having erotic mind." He told them nonchalantly. "Okay, I'll explain.. I went to her room because I heard a really weird sound, it's kind of low howl then I rushed to Seongcha's room then found her on the ground. But she's not really what I saw-"

"Then who?"

"I mean not her human form but her werewolf one. Then she told me through telepathy that it's her Seongcha, I asked her if she's okay, she said she's tired. Then few hours after she turned to human again." He explained.

"You see her body?" Jae curiously asked and gulped.

"Lol, of course I didn't. I looked away and closed my eyes, I'm gentleman you know?" With that the rest of them faked a cough. "Aish, you guys are really.. okay so after that, when she's already wearing her clothes she tapped my shoulder, then I told her to sleep.. and.. since I'm worried, I slept with her." After telling that to them he felt his cheeks burning now as he scratch his neck in embarrassment.

"YOU WHAT?!" Jae's eyes widened in surprised along with Sungjin and even Wonpil and Dowoon. "You. Slept. With. Her?! Hell no!" He stated whilst pointing YoungK on his every word, and shakes his head together with his hand on the last sentence.

"Yeah, seriously.. I'm telling the truth, but please.. don't overthink that, even you guys will do the same if you saw her situation last night." He softly told them, which they understand.

"Anyway hyung, eommonie Jang is back." Wonpil informed YoungK while shoving the bread inside his mouth.

YoungK turned around, facing them. "Really?! That's good news, but I think, I should just go to her house later." After finishing his statement they heard a knock on door. Sungjin volunteered to open the door since he's near and walk towards it. The door revealed the distress Rae, when the door opened, she quickly greeted Sungjin and the others too and hurriedly walk towards Seongcha's room.

"I think she knows what happened to Seongcha, did you tell her Younghyun-ssi?" Sungjin asked.

"I told you its YoungK! But, no, I didn't maybe she knows it already before us.. because they are the same, right?" Jae, Sungjin, Wonpil and Dowoon knitted their eyebrows together. It's just the beginning of new day and their mind isn't functioning well, and besides they're not eating breakfast yet, so expect that. They don't know what he's talking about.

"Oh yeah, whatever." YoungK rolled his eyes and put the breakfast on the table.

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