23 - M O M M Y

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Evangeline Carter

Over the next couple of days, I spent more time with Char and Oliver. She continued avoiding Ron and Hermione and focused more on quidditch and her schoolwork. She was slowly getting better and recovering, I couldn't be more proud of her.

Oliver was the same, there were some times he'd go with his girlfriend Katie but for the most part he was always with us.

Charlotte didn't want Oliver to know about what had happened. She was afraid it would affect his relationship with Ron, considering they were both very close.

For me, it was pretty much the same. Thankfully, I ended up getting my period which was a huge relief. Draco complained that I wouldn't go to his dorm at night anymore, but he eventually let it go.

Since I was still on my period all Draco and I did were heavy makeouts, and he was very touchy. We were both very horny bastards because of it, I guess that's what having no sex does to him and me.

It was bad.

Especially for Draco, he'd always get horny when I did the simplest things. This includes when I'd wear my short skirts, put on necklaces because I had to tilt my neck, whine from my stomach pain, and the list goes on and on.

This morning I was running late to Professor Slughorn's classroom due to staying up late with Char and Oliver. I awkwardly walked into class and everyone began staring at me.

Professor Slughorn stopped his lesson and put all of his attention on me. "Very nice of you to join us, Ms. Carter," he said. "Please have a seat." He continued and went back to the lesson.

I sat down and saw Draco with the biggest smirk on his face.

"Why were you late?" He questioned. "Constipated yet again?"

I immediately turned red and covered my face in embarrassment as memories hit me. Oh God, he remembers that?

"Please listen up!" Exclaimed Professor Slughorn. "I will be passing around sheets of paper that have questions about your health. Please try your best to answer them honestly, it is quite important."

As soon as I sat down Draco immediately scooted his chair closer to me. He put his hand on my thigh and casually looked at Professor Slughorn, listening to whatever he was blabbering about.

"Tracey told me to remind you not to go off and drink random things." He said. "What the fuck does she mean by that?"

Right, the lust potion. I hadn't told him about that.

"The last time we, you know... I accidentally drank a lust potion," I said.

He turned his face to look at me. "What?" He questioned with a confused look.

"Well... A lust potion increases a person's sexual desire." I explained.

"I know what a lust potion is," he growled. "I meant, why'd you take it? Do you need it now?" He asked.

Oh no, of course, I don't need it. Only looking at him already does the trick. I don't want him to think I need it.

"No, of course I don't. It's just... When I took the dishes down, there was this cup and it smelled good, I just had to drink it."

"You drank a random cup because it smelled good?"


"You're an idiot."

I was starting to realize how stupid the whole situation sounded. He was right, I'm an idiot! What kind of person does that?

The girl in front of me interrupted my thoughts by her sudden movement. She handed Draco the papers and blushed when her fingers brushed against his. He however didn't seem to notice because he didn't even look at her.

Manipulation; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now