Chapter 2

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Mercedes woke up to Puck kissing her. She kissed him back.

He grinned against her lips and took it to mean that she was rearing to go.

She pushed him away. "My big sister just had a baby."

"What that got to do with us?"

"I'm not getting pregnant again any time soon."

He didn't want to hear that.

She slapped his chest. "Go do your pushups!"

"You're so bossy." He threw the sheets back.

She hurried to reach over and slap his strong back.

"Ow! And abusive! I'm tellin Laura! Mean lady!" He got down to do his 100 pushups.

She gasped. She didn't know what to address first. "I'm telling Mother you're being mean to me!"

"She'll take your side anyway."

"Because she knows you're bad."

He raised a brow but said nothing.

She crawled to the end of the bed to watch him.

"Like what ya see?"


He almost fell. "Well come down here and do something about it."

"Noah, no." She did get out of the bed though. To go to the bathroom to begin her routine.

He wondered if he promised to pull out, would she let him do what he wanted?


"Happy birthday, Mercy!" Mercedes' family shouted.

Mercedes was so excited. She'd had a good day all day long. She had her favorite breakfast, no kid threw up on her, had a good lunch, working from home went well, had her favorite dinner and now was surrounded by her family as they ate ice cream and wished her well. "Thank you!"

"Open mine!" Maddie thrusted her present at Mercedes.

Mercedes opened it. It was a new helmet. "Yay! I miss Petunia."

Maddie beamed.

The others gave their presents as they all but Marcy and Mal ate her favorite ice cream, strawberry shortcake.

Marcy was the one to prod her. "Check your bank account."

"What? Why? Oh!" Mercedes brought out her phone and checked her bank account. A deposit of $8.2 million had been made at midnight. "I've got 8.2!"

"Go Mercy!" Marcy congratulated her. "How much from working and wills?"


Marcy hugged her. "Go lord it over your twin's head while you can."

Mercedes swatted Marcy but did go to do so.


Mercedes' and Quinn's blowout birthday party was amazing. Every single person had fun even though it was a French throwback party.

Even Kurt and Azimio smiled. The ache was still there but growing fainter.


Finn woke up before Quinn and went to get his present for her. He set it on her as she slept then got back in the bed.

She woke up a few minutes later (to get ready for the day) and felt the big box on her. She squealed happily and pulled the ribbon off then ripped the wrapping paper off before throwing the top elsewhere in the room.

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