Chapter 22

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The party was a blast as everyone the group had met in California was invited, including other celebrities. The Fabanges parents showed up but couldn't stay long.

It was disheartening to see their kids didn't need them. They didn't want to be around the constant reminder.

But a good thing that'd happened was Xindi got her first kiss from her crush. She already loved New Years but now it was her favorite holiday.


"Come on!" Mercedes shook like a cold crackhead. "Pick a day!"

Jake groaned loudly. "Mercy!"

"Pick a day or she's coming over tomorrow." Mercedes put her foot down.

"Why are you like this?!" He couldn't believe her.

She reached up to kiss his cheek then flounced out of his room.

He sighed heavily before texting Sparrow to come over for their date some day that week.

Sparrow responded with Thursday being a good day so that was what they agreed to.

He set the phone aside and dragged his palms over his face.

Mercedes was going to be the death of him.


That Thursday, Sparrow's security brought her to the Puckerman estate. She looked exactly like a 16 year old Ella but with dirty blonde hair. She was super cute.

Mercedes loved her. The two got on like fire.

Ella and Raven loved her. She was so sweet to them.

Due was in love. He'd found his first crush and wanted to fight his uncle for her.

Sunny felt so comfortable with her that she fell asleep in the junior's arms.

The one on one date turned into a group thing as Angela made dinner for them all then they all watched a movie together. The girls pulled Sparrow to the glam room after to have a dance party.

Jake was hella bewildered. "I thought she was mine?"

Puck laughed but Due was mad. "Mine!"

Jake gave the little boy a look. "I don't think so, small fry."

Puck laughed himself silly. "I thought you were staying away from girls?"

"I don't like you either." Jake stomped off.


"So how'd it go?" Marcy asked as she applied day cream to her face the next day.

"It was fantastic!" Mercedes bubbled up.

"What'd they do?"



Mercedes' pout was heard down the line.

"You took over that baby's date."

That pout got louder.

"Stop all that. What did you do that he couldn't have done on his own?"

Mercedes grumped loudly. "We just had dinner and watched a movie and maybe had a dance party."

"That actually sounds fun."


"Too bad it couldn't have been between the two dating but fun is fun. I guess..."

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