Chapter 24

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Marcy went to the airport herself to pick up Shauna and the girls. Diaz watched her pace. "Are you okay?"


His brows climbed into his hair. She never admitted to emotions (good or bad), always electing to say she was fine (which was neither). "Who are we picking up?"

"A friend. Remember Shauna Adams?"

"She has two little ones and her father isn't in her life."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Why would I know where he is?"

She gave him a look.

"I do not. I never needed to."

"I don't pry into other's lives."

"Meaning you never checked to see where he was either."

She continued to pace until the flight she was waiting on was called. She went to the gate with Diaz and waited for people to come through.

Finally Shauna did with her two daughters.

"Aunt Marcy!" Lily and Olive ran to Marcy to hug her.

"Hi, babies!" Marcy put on a happy voice.

"No. I'm not a baby." Olive could cry.

"Oh? You're a big girl now?"

Olive nodded with a grin. "Yeah, yeah!"

Marcy tickled the almost four year old. "And how are you, Ms. Lily Anne?"

Lily giggled at her special name. "Hi, Aunt Marcy."

"And how are you doing?" Marcy watched Shauna.

Shauna looked older than her 19 years. She looked really tired and worn. "I'm okay."

Marcy didn't believe that at all. "Guess what, my green goddesses!"

Lily and Olive jumped up and down. "What?!"

"We're going to In-N-Out Burger and we're going to get some nummy food!"

"Yay!" The kids jumped up and down.

"Come on, let's go!"


Mal was surprised to see Shauna and the kids but was pleased. Until he looked her in the eye- tried to look her in the eye. He looked at Marcy, who was already staring at him. He nodded once. They'd talk later. "Hi, guys!"

"Hi, Unca Mal!" Lily and Olive jumped on him.

"Let's go see your cousins!" He took them to the playroom.

Marcy led Shauna up to her guest room. "You can stay here as long as you want."

"Thank you but it'll only be a few days." Shauna repeated.

Marcy breathed deeply. "Want to re-meet Ellen?"

Shauna nodded as she'd only met the redhead once before. "That'll be nice."


Kurt answered his phone without reading the name. "Hello?"

"Where is she?!" Azimio snarled.

"Az?" Kurt was dead confused. Azimio had stopped answering his calls and texts. "Are you okay? Do you want to talk?"

"Cut the shit, Kurt! I know she's been talking to you! Where is my wife?!"

"Shauna's missing?!" Kurt freaked out.

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