Chapter 7

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Church went well despite a lot of the girls having massive hangover symptoms. Brunch was a study of how much liquids they could pour down their throats.

"What happened last night?" Judy wanted to know.

"A lack of self control." Marcy had a pounding behind her eyes.

"Did you party?" Jeanette felt sympathy for them.

"It was only supposed to be girls night." Mercedes moaned.

Rose cooed at her. "My poor little bomboloni drank too much?"

"So many shots." Quinn was having flashbacks.

Jeanette giggled. "That'll do it."

"My tongue tastes like fur." Yuria knocked back her water.

Judy pouted to keep from laughing. "Did you at least eat anything?"

"Yes." Marcy muttered. "Fat lotta good that did."

"You hadn't had anything to eat in two days. No wonder you're plastered." Quinn held up a hand. "I ate and I'm still-"

"Glued to the ceiling?"

Quinn couldn't even be mad. "Yeah."

"What were you doing while they got sloshed?" Russell asked the boys.

"We were more into eating and playing video games than drinking." Mike admitted. "I think I only had two beers."

"We had guys night while the girls were together." Jude explained.

"We're girls!" Maddie was mad. "Why didn't you invite us?!"

"Yeah!" Lisa crossed her arms.

Mercedes hopped up and ran to the bathroom.

"That's why." Rose smirked.


"Father told me that he'd split up the ranch." Marcus said as they were finishing brunch.

"Are you upset, Daddy?" Mercedes asked.

"Of course not, Princess. I'm not an oil baron." He was glad to be passed over but he knew his little brother wasn't. "I just hope you can rise to the occasion."

Mercedes pouted lightly. "We can."

Puck took her hand. "Did you tell them about your job?"

"What about your job?" Rose fretted. "Did someone do something to you? Did you get fired? We'll sue them!"

"Momma!" Marcy snapped.

Rose calmed herself. "Go on, baby. You can tell us."

Mercedes was unsure if she wanted to but Puck had backed her into this corner and his stupid self was looking at her in encouragement. "I got a promotion."

The six grandparents looked at her in shock. "You got a promotion?"

"Yeah. I'm a senior doctor now."

The moms wept while the dads patted themselves on the back.

Why was she surprised? Mercedes huffed. "I'm not the only one." If she had to be fawned over, so did her siblings.

Those very siblings glared at her.

"I know Quinnie's news." Jeanette said smugly.

Judy looked between them. "You haven't told me anything! Either of you!"

Jeanette spilled it, gushing excitedly about Quinn being on track to being just like her.

Judy clapped happily.

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