Chapter 23

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Valentine's Day was a day filled with love and excitement. All the couples/thruples were in love and happy and all the kids got gifts. It was like the Fabangeses were brought up and they spread it to their friends, who caught on.

Marcy encouraged Jake to invite Sparrow to the dance. She theorized that Mercedes would be so wrapped up in her family that he could finally have a normal date.

Jake insisted he could take Marcy from Mal and Ellen.


That Saturday, everyone showed up to the younger Chang estate and was shown to the ballroom.

Sparrow thought the house was so beautiful to be so big. The ballroom was as well with its blacks and golds. She and Jake went to a table and sat down.

Delicious food scents wafted over to them as the band played nothing but love songs. Some couples were on the dance-floor.

"Want food?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll go with you." She stood up.

Both went to the long tables set up as sideboards and picked up white plates with gold etchings. The pair went down the line picking up different foods.

"What's Billionaire's Dip?" She wondered aloud.

He shrugged. "We should try it. It says it has bacon in it."

Marcy had a list of known allergies beside different foods so no one would get sick.

Sparrow nodded and grabbed a bit of the dip with crackers and a lot of carrots. She loved carrots.

They continued until their plates were ladened then went back to their table. He popped back up to get them drinks.

He saw a beer he recognized and got Sparrow "Cupid's Bow", a set punch. He didn't really read the sign that said it had alcohol in it.

He brought back the cup and the bottle and sat down. "How is it?"

She was eating chicken salad on a water cracker. She swallowed quickly. "It's good."

He bobbed his head and grabbed a chip to dip into the Billionaire's Dip. There was a bowl on every table so it had to be good or Marcy wouldn't have ordered so much, right? He bit into the chip and chewed.

"That's the Billionaire's Dip, right? How does it taste?"

"Whoa..." His mind was blown.


He hurried to scoop more into his mouth.

"Is it that good?" Her brown eyes were wide.

He bobbed his head, not wanting to use his mouth for talking.

She thought he was being strange so she dipped a baby carrot into her tiny pile of dip. She bit into it and was transported to another realm. "Whoa..."

He ran through his dip quickly and realized he didn't care about anything else on his plate. He had to get more dip. "I'll be back!"

"Bring more dip!"

He nodded and hurried to the line for food. He was behind Mike. "Hey."

"Hey." Jake didn't particularly want to make small talk.

"Havin a good time?"

"We just got here." Jake realized Mike wasn't picking anything up. "Why aren't you getting food?"

Mike looked at him then his empty plate. "Oh! Uh... I will."

Jake found that suspicious but said nothing else until they got to the first bowl of Billionaire's Dip. His eyes widened when he saw Mike get a huge mound. "Wait a minute!"

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