Chapter 14

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"It's been months!" Judy cried.

Russell flipped a page in his book. "I know."

"They're not budging!"

He hated to admit it but- "I know."

"What are we going to do about it, Russell?! Our children are leaving us and we haven't even heard from them in months!"

He chewed on his thin bottom lip. "We could give them space."

"Space?! What has the past three months been?! It's May!"

"Don't get whipped up. I'm sure they won't go."

Judy plopped into a seat across from his desk in his office. "They better not."

"They won't."


Marcy finished boxing up the last of their things they were taking to California. They'd been boxing things up slowly but surely so they wouldn't exactly be living out of boxes but also wouldn't be scrambling at the last minute.

"Mommy!" Cerise ran into Marcy's office.

"What's wrong, Rise?"

Cerise rubbed her mommy's tummy before remembering that she was tattling. "Raj touched one of Daddy's camas!"

"Really?" Marcy struggled to her feet. "Which one? Please don't let it be one of those stupid Nikons."

Cerise dragged Marcy to the studio and darkroom.

Rajah was standing on a counter.

Marcy gave him a dark look. "Why are you in here?"

Rajah gulped. "I wanna see Daddy's job."

Marcy set him on his feet. "I'm gon beat you up if you come in here again and Daddy didn't say you could. Got that?"

Rajah, a sensitive soul, nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Get out."

He streaked out.

Marcy looked over the camera but it looked fine. She set it back on a shelf and turned to find Cerise watching her. "Stop snitchin!"

Cerise's mouth rounded.


Mike danced as he walked in the house. He (and his siblings) had been working overtime so he could leave. He'd officially put in his six week notice.

His mentor/boss was not happy but Mike couldn't care less. He was going to be free!

His security walked off to find something to do but he walked to the kitchen to find something to eat.

He walked in and saw Edie making a snack for him. "Thank you so much, Ms. Edie."

"You're welcome, Dr. Mike." Edie smiled warmly.

"What is it?"

"It's a chicken pot pie."

Mike licked his lips. "Do you know if T is up?"

"Mrs. Tina just put the children down for the night."

"Cool." He took the plate and the silverware and went upstairs. He encountered Tina coming from the bathroom. "Hi."

"Hi." She sniffed as she crawled into the bed.

He got in carefully and prayed over his meal before eating. He moaned and wiggled a bit as he ate, savoring the taste.

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