Chapter 20

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Mari and Yuria celebrated their birthdays together but Laura was 23 so she wanted a more sophisticated party. Honestly she was mad Marcy's and Jude's party was as sleek and adult as it had been.

So she had an art party. As an art design minor turned major, it was right up her alley. And the best part was that people loved it. She definitely loved that part.

Sarah took inspiration from Laura because she was thirteen now and was grown up. She had to be grown up. So Mari threw her a dinner party styled party.

Sarah was ecstatic. It was exactly what she wanted.

Now Tina just wanted to party. She was 18 and adult and all she wanted to do with her legal freedom was bust a move and eat good food.

So Mike hired a party planner and tried his best. Which turned out to be good enough. Tina had a blast and Hollywood talked about it for a couple weeks.


Marcy tugged totes from the storage in the attic. It was officially October and she was going to decorate for the season but also post the first photo of Tristan online. She wanted it to be cute so she was going to put him in front of a gold sheet with a tiny ceramic pumpkin and a hay bale.

Lisa found her as she was decorating the formal living area. "What are you doing?"

"It's October, Bug."

Lisa beamed. "My birthday's soon."

"I know." Marcy teased as she set a sparkly felt pumpkin on a table.

"What are we going to do?" Lisa watched her.

Marcy set out a skeleton candle. "What do you want?"

"I don't know. All of your parties were so fun. I want to have fun."

"Do you want to have a sleepover party?"

Lisa lit up.

Marcy had her back to her and knew she'd gone crazy with the idea. "Who do you want to invite? All the girls in your class?"

Lisa nodded. "Uh huh!"

"Okay. We'll get started planning a sleepover party for the ages as soon as possible."

Lisa hugged her big sister happily before picking up a melting skull mug. "Where does this go?"


And Lisa did have her sleepover party. All the 6/7 year olds had a good time. It was a retro type of slumber party, where they ate pizza for dinner, had really girly movies playing in the theater with karaoke and did girly things in the glam room like facials and nails.

Marcy and her sisters made sure Lisa had a good time. They took a lot of video and pictures so each girl could have memories even though a lot of them had cell phones anyway.

But a cute thing was that Marcy had photo booths installed so the girls could have that '80s/'90s flair.

And their goodie bags to go were amazing.

Lisa beamed the next morning after the girls left after a flapjack bar curtesy of Manny. She was now the most popular girl in her grade!

It was all she wanted and honestly Quinn, too.

On Lisa's actual birthday, she woke up to a boatload of presents and spent the whole morning happy. But that was after Mal's big blowout 18th birthday party, which was Vegas themed.

He had had a lovely time and what he really wanted for- any day was Marcy cleared and she was. Specially for his birthday.

Ellen was so excited for her birthday, which was when she'd tell her parents she was pregnant.

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