Chapter 9

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Nadine walked up to the information desk with a picnic basket. "Hello, I'm looking for Dr. Puckerman?"


Brittany loved listening to Kurt gush about dinner with Blaine and his family.

Santana thought he was obsessed and loved that.

Artie was just happy Kurt was happy.

The trio were still at home with the kids but Artie got a job that would let him work from home. Working with computers. With Marc. It was Marc. Marc hired him.

But he was seriously happy to be having this opportunity and would do everything in his power not to waste it.

As the three spoke to Kurt, they wrangled their many children, who just wanted to play. Their life was pretty great.


Mercedes was surprised when her mother-in-law was shown in. "Mother?"

"Mercy." Nadine came inside and shut the door.

"Is something wrong with Nic? She's not hurt, is she?"

"No. Well not physically."

"Does she need a referral for a psychologist?" Mercedes offered her a chair before resuming her own. "Maddie is just starting out but she's good."

"No. It's not mental health." Nadine reached across the desk. "She misses you."

"Aww!" Mercedes smiled. "I miss her, too."

"Then you should see her."

"I can't. Lisa's party is tonight and church is tomorrow then I have to work until next Sunday again."

"Maybe you can ask for time off?"

"Marcy'll kill me!"


"She does the scheduling for the whole hospital."

"Why? Doesn't she just work in the chemistry lab?"

"Noah didn't tell you? We all got promotions. She's Chief of Staff now."

"I don't know what that means." Nadine blushed.

"It just means she's my boss."

Nadine grimaced. She couldn't imagine having a younger sibling being your boss. "How has it been going?"

"Kinda hard. She works us to the bone."

"Really?" Nadine didn't know why she was surprised.

"Yeah. Every time I come in, she's here. Every time I leave, she's still here. If I didn't see her at church, I'd think she moved in."

"Oh. She works really hard and wants everyone else to work really hard?"

"Yeah. But I'm so tired. I don't sleep much and it shows." The younger mom worried about her skin.

"What time do you go to sleep?"

"Maybe one or two? If I'm lucky."

"What time do you wake up?"

"Seven every morning. I'm supposed to get up at six forty five but I sleep in for fifteen minutes."

"Honey, you need to slow down."

"I don't understand."

"Noah said you wouldn't."


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