Chapter 8

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Quinn clapped happily. "We had a long talk about intimacy and our ideals. I apologized and he forgave me!"

"That's so good, Sissy!" Mercedes smiled.

Quinn readjust her iPad so she could be seen better. "We made love all night long. I couldn't believe it was my husband."

"Wow." Yuria blushed.

"Go Finn." Marcy clicked her tongue.

"What did you tell him, Marcy?" Quinn wanted to know.

"You wish. I gotta go. I got rounds and meetings."

"You could tell me!" Quinn pouted.

"Nope. Bye, guys." Marcy signed off.

"I have to go, too." Yuria looked beyond the camera. "I'm glad you have all you wished for."

"Thank you, Yuri!" Quinn preened.

Yuria waved before signing off.

"I'm really happy for you, Sissy." Mercedes yawned.

"Why are you sleepy?" Quinn demanded.

"Noah and I stayed up half the night making love."

"Ooh!" Quinn teased.

Mercedes shook her head, red. "Stop that, Quinnie."

"I have to go but keep burning the candle at both ends."

Mercedes laughed. "Goodbye!"

Quinn waved and signed off. She closed the cover on her iPad and put it away from her before getting back to files. Her life was perfect.


"Az." Shauna gave her husband a look.

Azimio continued to mop up the spill from their youngest.

"Please talk to me."

"So you can say I'm trippin, too?"

"So I can say I know you're hurting."

He looked up, pain in his chestnut eyes.

"Dave was your very best friend and he passed away. Now it seems like everyone is trying to forget him. But I promise we're not. We're just grieving in different ways."

"So you think this Blaine guy is a rebound and Kurt will leave him soon so he can get back to loving Dave?"

She blinked, unsure on how he got that out of what she said.

He smiled, relief on his face. "Thanks, babe. You're always in my corner." He rose and went to wash his hands.

Shauna was truly worried.


Marcy stared at her coffee bar in intense concentration. How was she going to decorate it?

She heard quick footsteps but figured it was a kid because she and her other siblings were too old to run anywhere with reckless abandon.

A small body plowed into her from behind and wrapped its arms around her legs. "Hi!"

Marcy looked down. "Hey, Lise."

Lisa squeezed her tightly. "It's almost my birthday!"

"Yeah. You're almost six."

"And then Halloween!" Halloween was the pair's favorite holiday.


Lisa sidled around so she could look up into her big sister's face. "What's wrong?"

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