Chapter 10

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Mercedes left her office without hearing the workload Thea tried to give her. She hurried to the parking lot and jumped in her car to go home.

She sought out her kids and after making sure they were alright, she went looking for her husband.

Puck was coming from a shower. "Hey, Mama? You okay?"

She jumped on him, hugging him hard.

He staggered before catching her and readjusting them both so they wouldn't fall. He went to the bed and sat down. "Mama, what's wrong? Did that dude touch you?"

She held him for a second more then began kissing him all over his face.

He pried her away. "Mama! What is going on?!"

"You were right! We're broken, bad people!"

That blew him back a bit. "I never said you were broken or bad."

"It's what you meant and you were right!" She wailed.

"Mama, explain this slowly."

She sobbed on his chest her day.

He grimaced. "Mama, I'm sorry. I didn't mean you were broken or bad. I just miss you."

"I miss you, too." She admitted. "I miss everyone. I don't know what to do with myself. My mind is all over the place and I'm so confused about everything."

"It's okay." He kissed her head. "I promise. It'll be okay."


"Why am I here though?" Karou shut the door behind herself. "She ain't my sister."

"Mercy said we needed to be here!" Yuria was at her wits end with her wife.

"Guys!" Arnold was tired of them arguing. "You're scaring the kids."

The trio really were frightened.

Karou and Yuria went in Mama Mode and soothed them before putting them down so they could run to the backyard.

"I'm just saying." Karou started anew. "I have work."

"You're not the only person who works!" Yuria shouted.

"Yuria?! Is that you?!" Mercedes' voice reached the trio.

Yuria went to find her big sister, her spouses trailing behind.

They were in the kitchen, by the patio doors. All the kids were in the backyard with Lisa's friends and the nannies.

"Why are we here?" Karou bit off.

"You ain't the only one who works. Shut up." Marcy snapped.

"You're alone in your body." Karou crossed her arms.

Mal caught Marcy before she could get too far. "Ah!"

Arnold was dumbfounded. "What's going on?"

"We have to talk." Mercedes sighed. "You guys can be a part of it but it's mostly about us 11."

"I have work to do so I'll leave you guys to talk." Paris slid from Jude's lap.

"I'm out." Karou stalked out.

Arnold looked at her miserably. "I can be close-by if you need me."

"Thank you." Yuria said gratefully. "I love you."

He caught that barb but let it go. He left with Paris.

"Guys?" Mercedes pressed Puck, Finn, Tina and Ellen.

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