Chapter 31

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(A/N Notes: Well... ... ...)

It was the morning of the next day

"Not that I care you staying here, but I would very much like to know the why you're here, Yuriko"

"... I'm angry at Aki-chan and Aya-chan"

"I see"

Yuriko was right now, hugging a pillow as she laid on the futon in Takeru's inn room, she had asked what was the number of his room before coming, while he sat on a chair and used his laptop

"..." *Pouts*

When Yuriko saw Takeru using the computer, without minding her presence, she felt a little angry at that, so she got up from the bed and started poking his cheeks

"Stop that"


"I said stop"

"And I said no"

" "..." "

Takeru then got up from the chair and turned towards Yuriko and tried to grab her arms, but she intercepted his hands and they both started a contest of reverse tug of war



And obviously, Yuriko was winning because she was slightly stronger than Takeru, but he was not keen on losing, then out of desperation he forced himself forward as he raised both of his hands

" "Uwaaaaahhh!" "

And they both obviously lost their balance making them fall on the soft futon with Takeru right on top of Yuriko

" "Ah" "

Their faces were really close, and that made them feel embarrassed making them look away, Takeru got up and helped Yuriko get up

"Sorry for that"

"No, that was my fault"

" "..." "

"Well, I guess I'll go back to Aki-chan and Aya-chan"

"Okay, take care"

"Yes, I will. Ah! But before that"

Yuriko turned and spread her arms towards Takeru


They hugged and lightly kissed each other on the lips before Yuriko left his room. Then Takeru sat back on the chair and covered his embarrassed face with one hand

"Haa... It's really difficult to hold back when she acts really cute..."

And he went back to his PC to try to calm himself down, the following days Yuriko spent her time playing on the beach with her friends and Himari's friends. While Takeru spent most of his time inside the inn room because he hated the summer heat, but in some instances, he left the inn room. And both of them spent a little time with each other

The last of the beach trip for Yuriko and her friends

"Hey, Yu-chan apparently today there'll be a summer festival at a nearby park"

"Really? That's good to know"

"Because now you want to go there on a date with Takeru-kun, isn't it?"


Yuriko kept silent at Aki's remark, but her blushing cheeks gave her away

"That's our cute Yu-chan, so do you want to wear a yukata for the festival?"

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