Chapter 38

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(A/N Notes: After some deliberation with myself, and looking back at saying everyone went to the beach within the span of the 10th to 23th of August 2020. I'll be saying that they went to the beach around the 17th of August and that they stayed there for about a week or so because it sounds reasonable and still fits with the few previous chapters time)

"Hmm... The summer vacations are going to end soon, huh"

Yuriko was lazing under the warm sunlight from the window in her room, as she remembered that she only had just more four days of summer break

"And so much stuff happened just a little while ago..."

And she began reminiscing about everything that happened during, then when she remembered about her accepting Takeru's confession, she covered half of her face with both hands as she began blushing, but she still felt happy nonetheless. Then she went to a straight position

*Slaps cheeks* "Alright, I need to prepare my stuff for returning to the apartment, get back to my school routine..."

Yuriko then noticed her bangs getting in the way of her vision

"And maybe I should get a haircut too..."

She said so as she fiddled with her already long hair that had grown even more by a noticeable amount, but she wasn't entirely sure about that matter yet

At Takeru's house

"Isn't it about time for you to get a haircut?"


Hideo asked Takeru so, as he looked at his little brother's short hair, which was now long enough for the back part to cover most of his neck. But Takeru shot him down, because he didn't like having to go to a hair salon, because he was a scrooge, and that he knew he would make some mistake if he tried to cut his hair himself... And he also didn't want to ask his family to cut his hair either

The next day

Today was the day that Yuriko would be going back to her apartment, and right now she was looking at herself in the mirror behind the bathroom sink

"I should've gone to a hair salon yesterday... Well, now it's too late for that... I guess I'll just trim down my bangs a little for now, so that they won't be getting on my vision"

Yuriko then picked the hair scissors inside the sink cabinet, then she put her bangs in between the scissors blades and carefully measured the best place to cut her bangs for now

"Hey, are you ready-"

"!!!" *Snap*

Then because of the surprise, she took from hearing her brother's voice, accidentally closed the scissor... And then her bangs fell on the sink, and they all had around three-fourths of its original size

" "..." "

She looked with her face blue at whatever remained of her bangs, a perfectly straight cut that showed most of her forehead. And at looking at that result she felt her body growing cold, as one single thought filled her mind


And she covered her forehead with both hands

Some time later at the station

*Fiddling with her now cut bangs* "I really should go to a hair salon after I return to my apartment... *Sigh* Thankfully, I won't be seeing Takeru anytime soon"

Yuriko didn't want in any way for Takeru to see the mess she made with her bangs, but when her worries eased a little bit

"Ah! Yuriko, Good afternoon"

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