Chapter 41

586 19 13

(A/N Notes: Question: How horny do you think Yuriko can get? (For the answer read all of today's chapters) )



"..." (x29)

Everyone was silent after everyone screamed in unison at Yuriko revealing she had a boyfriend, and even she was silent with a dead serious face, clearly showing that she wasn't joking or making that up

"... I see..."

Then Mitsuto managed to recover from his shock and was able to talk again

"Then break up with him, and go out with me"


He placed one of his hands on his chest as he declared so to Yuriko. She at hearing that simply stayed quiet and smiled with her eyes closed, then with her left hand she picked a single latex glove from inside her desk and put it on her right hand, that Mitsuto had held earlier, and lifted her right hand up, then she swung it down in a sideways motion

*Slap* "!?"


"!?!?!?" (x29)

And slapped Mitsuto pretty hard on the face, which made a loud sound and also made him face his right. Yuriko's angry smiled turned into a genuine angry face with her serious eyes being shadowed. While everyone in the class was surprised by that, something they didn't think Yuriko would ever do

"... Say that to me again... And you'll be winning a free pass to the infirmary" *Clenching her right hand into a fist*

"Y, yes..."

Mitsuto feeling the pressure coming from Yuriko said so with a trembling voice, then he got up and walked to his seat. Yuriko turned back to face the blackboard and felt like she lost a huge weight from her shoulders

"*Deeply inhales*... Haaaaaaaaa... *Pressing her temples with her left hand*"

She felt a bit stressed from what just happened

"..." (x30)

Nobody was able to talk due to the still tense atmosphere left in the classroom

"... Hmmm... So... Hmmm... B, back to where we left last time... ... ..." <Crap, where did we stop last time?>

Because of the atmosphere in the class, none of the teachers were able to properly teach the students

Around 5 minutes before lunch break

"W, well, class... W, why don't we wrap up here for today... A, and have lunch slightly earlier?"

"... Yeah..."

"... S, sure"

The class gave weak responses as everyone was still in shock at discovering that Yuriko had a boyfriend, and of her slapping someone, but mostly that she had a boyfriend

"... *Picks her bento and gets up*"

Yuriko who remained quiet for the rest of the lessons simply took out her bento from her bag, got up, and left the classroom. Leaving no time for anyone to ask her about her boyfriend or let Mitsuto ask her out to eat lunch together

"... Haa... I might've gone a little overboard by saying that I had a boyfriend... But it was also my only way out of that impasse..."

Then she remembered about Mitsuto saying for her to break up with Takeru, which made her anger boil back up by a little as she went towards Takeru's classroom

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