(Side) chapter 54.5

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(A/N Notes: Well, that was quite something)

Tanaka family new year meeting from 2 years ago

"Haa... Haa... Haa"

"So do you admit that I am superior to you when it comes to Tango?"

Takeru was on the ground on his four as Ichiro made fun of him after he lost against Ichiro in the dance-off they just had

"... *Clap clap*"

"! Hoo... So you decided to show yourself, Yasu"

Yasu came to the ring already making a pose ready for a dance

"Kukuku... I always wanted to defeat you during a dance-off... Now... Let's dance!"

Ichiro and Yasu started a dance-off, with their relatives all watching the two dance Tango... Yasu won

"..." <I'll master Tango no matter what it takes!>

Takeru swore that to himself because if there was one thing he would never do, was admitting that Ichiro was better than him at something


A few days after the first day of school in Takeru's previous school

"Fate has brought us together, and now it brought you to us"

"We shall show you the truth behind all the lies of the world!"

"As we are the officers of the glorious Empire! Following the commands of his great eminence, the Kaiser!"

"..." <Gottverdammt...>

Takeru was being talked to by three handsome guys who all spoke like his siblings and wore clothes that were very like those over the top anime military uniforms

"Worry not, as we will take you under our wing"

"And open your eyes to the real hidden world"

"For that is the will of the Kaiser!"

"..." <I don't want to... But... His clothes look so damn cool...>

Takeru didn't want to admit but he genuinely found the costumes the three were wearing really cool and wanted to wear it too, but he also didn't want to interact with those three... He ended up interacting with those three and a few others, during his years at his previous school, mostly because of his looks, which naturally made him look like a little chunni to others (Takeru didn't use contact lenses and hair dye yet)


Some day during summer vacation



Chiyoko was in the bedroom of her new boyfriend after his parents invited her to enter their son's bedroom and left them alone, and she was looking at him like a predator

"... *Glances at her* !... *Looks away redder than before*"

"..." <Hnnnnnnnggggggggrrrrrrrrr!!! How can you be this cute!?!?!?"

And she couldn't help but lick her lips at seeing him act cute like that, then she cautiously approached him and attacked him with a kiss on the lips, making them both fall on his bed with her on top of him. When their lips parted she looked at him with a seductive smile

"I'll give you the best time of your life"

"Eh?... !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

That day Chiyoko's boyfriend saw things he never thought a girl would willingly show him and experience something that even his adolescent brain couldn't fully fantasize about

The school prince (♀) is only close to me (♂)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin