Chapter 3

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"Alright everyone, we managed to tie with the girls' team, but we can't weaken our grip yet, so let's continue to give our best so that we(I) can go on a date with Yuriko-sama!"



All the boys were still motivated and full of energy, aside from Takeru, he was both displeased and exhausted from having to defend the boys' side, but he still didn't accept losing by giving up

"Everyone! We can still do it! The guys over are still the same brainlets who only knows to attack head-on! If it wasn't for that one guy defending their back and making two lucky shots from afar we would be already six points ahead of them! So let's keep the pressure on him!!!"


<Sorry, Tanaka-kun. It looks like my team will not be giving you any breathing room>

Then the two teams went back to the field for the second half, and both teams were merciless against each other, with Takeru suffering the brunt of the girls' attack by having to single-handedly defend the boys' side. He managed and failed to defend several times

"Arf... Arf... *Pant pant*... Whew..."

And because of that, he was extremely exhausted, but the boys were by luck one point ahead of the girls

"Yuriko-sama! We only have one more chance of scoring before the game ends, can we leave it to you to make that score for us?"

"Of course, I'll win this game for you, ohime-sama"

"Ah! T, thank youuuuu..."

The girls' leader face turned bright red, but she quickly recovered, and they went on the attack for their last chance of winning


And with their weird scream, they put their pressure on the boys' team, allowing Yuriko to easily pass by them as she headed straight for the basket, but obviously, Takeru was already blocking her path forward

"Yuriko-sama! Go for the left!

then one of the girls blocked him from going to the left, and Yuriko swiftly took that opportunity to go for a slam dunk, then Takeru stepped back and turned, then he rushed directly for Yuriko


When Yuriko jumped, he followed suit with a few seconds of delay, and as the two of them jumped, their teams were almost screaming about the big chance of one of them losing

Then the ball went inside the basket as Yuriko's hands reached for the rim, while Takeru felt something soft on his face pushing him back





The girl's commemorated their victory while the boys despaired their loss. Yuriko who had grabbed onto the basket rim safely landed on her two feet, and then she saw Takeru, who had landed with his butt, sprawled on the ground and completely white with his soul leaving his body from the mouth

<I should help him>

That was what Yuriko said to herself, but the girls were quick to surround her...

"Yuriko-sama, you were so cool in that last shot!"

"Please give me your autograph!"

"Yuriko-sama, I love you!"

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