Chapter 6

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(A/N Notes: ... What should I write here?)

Daichi was sweating heavily as Takeru looked at him with reprisal

"T, Tanaka-san? C, can you g, give this p, photo b, back to me?"

"Why should I?"

"B, because... Because..."

It's mine. That is what Daichi wanted to say, but he also knew that that very same photo of Yuriko was taken without her permission which was already bad, and if he confirmed he wanted to keep that very photo it would turn doubly worse. But then an idea came to his mind...

<Alright! I got an idea!> "Because I'm trying to-... Where is he!?"

But Takeru had already fled with the photo while Daichi was thinking of what to say


I ended up bringing this with me... What do I do with this?...

*Looks again at the picture in his hand*

*Puts the image out of sight*

... Since Yuriko-senpai is in this image, I should probably give it to her... Yup, I'll just give it to her during lunch break... ... ...

*closes his eyes while blushing a little* "Yuriko-senpai... Has a really beautiful body"


"Achoo! *Sniff*... Huh? Is someone talking about me?"

Later at lunch break

"... Is something wrong, Takeru-kun?"

"No... Why you ask, Yuriko-senpai?"

"Well, to begin with, you have been purposely avoiding to look at me since I came to have lunch with you"

"Well... There's a reason for that..."

"Would you mind telling me the reason?"

"... In this case, it's easier to show you the reason"

Takeru then picked a picture and handed it to Yuriko

"What is this?"

"... It a picture of you, that fell from Daichi-senpai bag that I picked up and ended up bringing here"

"A picture of me... that was with vice-prez. Daichi-san? Let me see this picture... !?!?!?"

Yuriko then picked the picture and looked at the image in it, she froze for a second when she saw an image of her wearing only her underwears as she unhooked her bra in the school changing room, then she made a very flustered and shocked expression

"H, h, h, have you s, seen the i, image?"

Yuriko had a flustered tone when she asked Takeru, a question that she already knew the answer, but that she wanted to hear otherwise

"... Well... I'm only giving it to you... Because I know the contents of the said image..."


Yuriko's face was blushing so intensely that even her ears turned red as she felt a weird sensation inside her, and Takeru who was always looking towards the opposite direction from where Yuriko was seated at, didn't see her blushing

"... *Deeply inhales*... Takeru-kun, it looks like I'll have to excuse me earlier than expected. So see you later"

"Huh? Y, Yeah, sure. See you later, Yuriko-senpai"

Yuriko managed to say it with her normal tone, while Takeru continued to not look at her as he answered her. She got up, picked her lunch box and the picture, then left towards the school building, after a few moments Takeru turned to see if she had already disappeared from sight

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